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xxxv - xxxvi clarified

During chapter xxxv, we saw (Name)'s true intentions upon arriving to this world. A lot believed she was sent here to save everyone — she will, but just not in the way everyone thought so. Her confusion lead to many doubts on why she actually was sent here. She asks Kief for answers, but he does not reply with the answers she want to hear.

As she rambles, "If people found out about this power, they'll either see me as a god or the devil. They'll know I have the ability to eradicate the titans. The ability to control them. Powers more frightening that the founder itself—hey, Kief." She noticed Kief's dark expression.

She knew Kief knew something — something about how to break Ymir's deal. Because as long as Ymir and (Name) are tied down under a deal, she can't really move freely. With the deal locked, she keeps thinking about the original plot of AOT.

As (Name) rambles, another voice echoes behind her head. It was ̡͉͈͈͙̜̙͉̟̯̯͖̪̥̜̈́̔͒͐͑́̔̏̀̎͛̾͋͑̚ɒ̶̨̨̡̛̛͈̬̣̰͙̜̰̼͖͎͍̮̜̬͊͂̀͒̇͗̅̍͒̌̅̑͝͝͝ṁ̷̢̰̼̰̺̮̣̰̩̘̻̰͈̈́̀͒̈̏̄̾̈̓̒̑̂̕͜͝ͅͅͅǝ̷̧͉͓̳̭̘̩͙̙͕͙̺̤̙̓̈́̽͒̓̈́̄̿́͊͒̓͛͑͘͜͜͝͝, the original earth devil from more than 6 thousand years ago.

Her soul was finally waking up inside (Name) since their ideals are finally lining up. (Name) didn't want to go back to her original world — where she was no one special and she was always within the crowd. She didn't want to be back as a normal nobody.

(Name), since kid, wasn't really someone "innocent". As seen on xxxvi, she was playing with ants. She trapped them around a written red circle on the concrete floor. She towers over them and watches them. One boy came up to her and asked why won't she let them out. He says that it's their nature to roam for freedom and live outside the circle.

Reread xxxvi, but keep in mind the symbolism behind it: the red circle would be the Walls and the ants are the Eldians behind it.

If they're destined to die and (Name) doesn't have the guts to kill them, she most likely have the guts to use someone else to kill them for her.

This occurrence would be the influence of the Earth Devil's soul inside (Name). She doesn't know anything about it, but the devil's nature slowly awakens inside her after 6 thousand years. This would be the first parallelism from the real world and AOT.

The original Earth Devil, ̡͉͈͈͙̜̙͉̟̯̯͖̪̥̜̈́̔͒͐͑́̔̏̀̎͛̾͋͑̚ɒ̶̨̨̡̛̛͈̬̣̰͙̜̰̼͖͎͍̮̜̬͊͂̀͒̇͗̅̍͒̌̅̑͝͝͝ṁ̷̢̰̼̰̺̮̣̰̩̘̻̰͈̈́̀͒̈̏̄̾̈̓̒̑̂̕͜͝ͅͅͅǝ̷̧͉͓̳̭̘̩͙̙͕͙̺̤̙̓̈́̽͒̓̈́̄̿́͊͒̓͛͑͘͜͜͝͝,  drank poison, sent to kill her, but instead of doing her harm she was able to somehow communicate with Kief in current time. The event where (Name) passed out outside the Great Timber Forest and Kief claimed that she came back after 6,805 years.

Just as she promised before she fell into deep sleep.

When Kief asked her how she was able to talk to her, she answers that (name)'s greed and goals started to align with hers — and the tea she took. The tea made it possible for the original Earth Devil's consciousnesses to talk to Kief through (Name)'s current body

"She and I share the same soul — we are one person. So do everything you can to achieve every victory she can hold unto. For it is also mine."

That's all the explanation I can give for now! The rest will unfold in the future chapters!

Is this a Kief x reader?

- He will be ONE of the male leads. Not saying if he is the main male lead or not, because that choice will be up to you at the end.

What do we look like? Are we Kief's lover?

- You look like how you want to look like right now. Your soul was once Kief's lover but you are not his lover right now.  If you want to be, then you are. The silver hair etc. was describing was how ̡͉͈͈͙̜̙͉̟̯̯͖̪̥̜̈́̔͒͐͑́̔̏̀̎͛̾͋͑̚ɒ̶̨̨̡̛̛͈̬̣̰͙̜̰̼͖͎͍̮̜̬͊͂̀͒̇͗̅̍͒̌̅̑͝͝͝ṁ̷̢̰̼̰̺̮̣̰̩̘̻̰͈̈́̀͒̈̏̄̾̈̓̒̑̂̕͜͝ͅͅͅǝ̷̧͉͓̳̭̘̩͙̙͕͙̺̤̙̓̈́̽͒̓̈́̄̿́͊͒̓͛͑͘͜͜͝͝ looked.

Who are we. What are we. Are we still we. Or is something else is we?

- We is we. We is the reincarnation of the devil who is human but we don't believe we is human. We is still we. We is something else that we will soon find out 👍🏻

Where is Y/n?  What happened to her?

- Since ̡͉͈͈͙̜̙͉̟̯̯͖̪̥̜̈́̔͒͐͑́̔̏̀̎͛̾͋͑̚ɒ̶̨̨̡̛̛͈̬̣̰͙̜̰̼͖͎͍̮̜̬͊͂̀͒̇͗̅̍͒̌̅̑͝͝͝ṁ̷̢̰̼̰̺̮̣̰̩̘̻̰͈̈́̀͒̈̏̄̾̈̓̒̑̂̕͜͝ͅͅͅǝ̷̧͉͓̳̭̘̩͙̙͕͙̺̤̙̓̈́̽͒̓̈́̄̿́͊͒̓͛͑͘͜͜͝͝ was able to posses her body, one body can not hold two active souls. So she passed out. About where her soul is, it will be explained soon.

Are we..the reincarnation of the lover of the devil?

- yes. Reincarnation of ̡͉͈͈͙̜̙͉̟̯̯͖̪̥̜̈́̔͒͐͑́̔̏̀̎͛̾͋͑̚ɒ̶̨̨̡̛̛͈̬̣̰͙̜̰̼͖͎͍̮̜̬͊͂̀͒̇͗̅̍͒̌̅̑͝͝͝ṁ̷̢̰̼̰̺̮̣̰̩̘̻̰͈̈́̀͒̈̏̄̾̈̓̒̑̂̕͜͝ͅͅͅǝ̷̧͉͓̳̭̘̩͙̙͕͙̺̤̙̓̈́̽͒̓̈́̄̿́͊͒̓͛͑͘͜͜͝͝, who was Kiefandelaro's lover. It doesn't mean you have to stay as his lover. Final decision will be up to you.

When is the next chapter?
- now.

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