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chapter iv: hi erwin

chapter iv: hi erwin

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3rd Person's POV

It's been a year since Ilse's encounter with this mysterious lady called 'Unknown'. Since then, she has kept her mouth shut and zipped.

Everybody called her the lucky soul, being the only one who survived the 34th expedition outside the walls. Some called her that and some hated her, somehow asking why she survived and why not this person or this person.

Ilse fought the urge to tell everything to the Commander thinking that once she spills the golden information, humanity within the walls would take another step to freedom—maybe a whole ass LEAP!

Days  passed by, Unknown was on her mind. Thinking of simple things like what is she doing right now? Is she scolding Roshi?

Ilse sat down on one of the tables in the mess hall. She came a bit early than the announced break time to avoid the long line. She took out her journal and started sketching Unknown's face. Ilse took a spoonful of her bland water soup, thinking of the same thought overtime she ate soup, this is not as good as Unknown's.

The doors of the mess hall opened and Ilse paid no mind to those who walked in. She continued to sketch Unknown. Trying to remember the smallest details and put it on the journal in front of her.

She heard the bench infront of her move. Ilse looked up and saw a boy with his friends. She quickly closed her journal and placed it on her pocket.

"Ilse, was that Y/n you were sketching?" The boy asked.

"Y/n? Who's Y/n, Eren?" She asked the boy.

The boy's green eyes glistened and he smiled. "Y/n's a sourcerer! On the day of the fall of Wall Maria, she made potatoes appear on her palms!" Eren exclaimed while showing his palms to tell the story.

Another boy let out a 'tch' , "That's impossible, Eren! How long do I have to tell you that those kind of people don't exist?! Jeez, that's why Mikasa should stay away from you."

Eren looked pissed and slammed his fists on the table, causing some of the soup on the cadets' meal spill on the table. "What did you just say, horse-face?!"

"I said, you're crazy!" The other boy answered.

"Guys, you should stop." Armin tried his best to stop the two from bickering.

Mikasa stepped in and stopped the two. She faced the other boy, "Eren wasn't lying. Y/n is real, Jean."

"Tch." Was all Jean said and sat down.

"But after the fall, we never saw Y/n ever again." Armin told Ilse.

"but why were you drawing Y/n a while ago? Do you know her?" Eren asked Ilse.

Ilse was quick to shake her head. "I—uh. It wasn't that so called Y/n. It's a common face here in town so I decided to draw a person." These words came out of her mouth so wuick that Mikasa was suspicious but not the two boys.

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