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chapter xxiv: coordinator.

Everyone knew that in order to recover Eren, You'd have to slip through a horde of titans

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Everyone knew that in order to recover Eren, You'd have to slip through a horde of titans. What exactly is Commander Erwin thinking?

Erwin raises right arm once again, "advance!" and for the last time.

A titan bit his arm, which sent him flying along the titan's mouth.

"Commander Erwin!" Everyone watched in horror as their commander was taken away.

This, however, did not let him falter. "Advance, my soldiers! Eren is just ahead! Forward!"

"I can even give people new limbs if it comes down to it!" (Name) added, "cool right?"

Why is it that at the brink of death, (Name)'s voice was everything Erwin can think of. Didn't they say that your life flashes before your eyes when you're in the brink of death? But why is it (Name)'s voice?

Mikasa, Jean and Armin managed to slip through the titans and decided to give Reiner and Bertholdt a final talk.

Armin, being the youngest manipulator and negotiator in the scouts, his lips curved into an all knowing smile but quickly puts on a sad facade.

"Are you two okay with this?" He begins. "Leaving behind your comrade and returning home?" Armins looks at Bertholdth with his wide eyes, staring at him with the next question he asked.

"You're abandoning Annie?"

"You know where she's at?" He added, "Far north underground in the Utopia District...being tortured. Her screams taught us something. " Bertholdt now stood frozen and Reiner looked back, couldn't help but listen to Armin. "Even if you continue healing, your body feels and remembers the pain. They're not letting her die until she speaks, Bertholdt. They're torturing her in any ways possible!"

Armin knew how to press the right buttons. Armin forced out an uncomfortable laugh, "what about (Name)?! Do you think she'll let you out of here unharmed?! Do you not hold any ounce of fear against the devil that put you through all this?!"

Now everyone stood silent. Jean. Mikasa. Bertholdt. Reiner. Eren.

The devil?

"Armin..?" Mikasa began, "what do you mean by that?"

Even Armin didn't know what he said. The words came out of his mouth. "I don't know. I don't know. I don't know!" He screamed and lost his mind.

"You spawn of the devil!" Bertholdt screamed. "I'll kill you—" And speaking of the devil, Erwin swoops in and sliced Reiner's fingers off and Eren broke free from Bertholdt. The very thing that caught their eyes were Erwin's full set of arms.

"Didn't he get bit?"

With Eren in his hold, he jumped unto his horse and so did everyone. "Soldiers, retreat!" And everyone wasted no second to do so. However, on their way to escape, a titan was thrown in front of their tracks.

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