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...10 hours until dawn...

Maysilee sat on the bus as she rode to the cabin

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Maysilee sat on the bus as she rode to the cabin. It had been a whole year since the twins disappeared, no one knew what happened to them, nothing was ever found. She suddenly heard her phone go off and reached into her pocket and grabbed her phone.


Chris: How close are you? I'm here with Sam we can wait for you.

Maysilee: Not that far, almost there actually. And yeah sure I'll meet you there.

Chris: Okay great cya soon.


Maysilee smiled and shut her phone off and arrived about five minutes later. Once she walked to the gate she found a letter that read 'Gate is busted'

Maysilee climbed over the rocks and hopped down. She looked around, to her it felt weird to be back. But she soon met up with Chris and Sam and exchanged hugs with them. "It's great to see you!" She exclaimed.

"You too!" Sam said happily, "How have you been?"

Maysilee smiled "I've been doing great." She replied, "What about you two."

"I've been fine," Sam answered.

Chris nodded "Yeah same." The three friends started walking around. It felt eerie at the mountain. None of them could stop thinking about what happened that previous year. It didn't take long to arrive at the cable car station.

Sam frowned as she tried to open the door "It's locked." She told them.

Chris shook his head "Josh wanted to keep it locked cause he claims he found people sleeping at the station once." He said and then unlocks the door. They waited for the cable car to arrive and then once it did they got in.

Chris and Sam talked the whole way and Maysilee just listened, once Chris finished talking about how he met Josh, he looked at Maysilee "How did you meet Josh?"

Maysilee smiled "Not an interesting story," she started, "But our parents are friends so we kinda just met at birth, and slowly became friends over the years."

Chris nodded "Cool." He replied "But didn't you guys go to the same school? I never saw you at school?"

Maysilee shook her head "We would have but my parents homeschooled me until I started high school, But Josh and I went to different high schools. But I still went to concerts and stuff that's actually how I met the twins" Chris nodded again as they arrived. They got out and all went to the door and knocked, soon they saw a glimpse of Jessica who opened the door for them. They stepped outside in the freezing weather and glanced around.

Chris was teasing Jessica about a note from Mike until she finally spoke up "Mike and I are dating you know? He and Emily broke up."

Maysilee's face dropped, she and Jessica weren't ever the closest of friends like she was with Ashley or even Emily. But she stayed silent not wanting anyone to figure out about her crush on Mike. "Hey, we should all head up to the lodge," Chris suggested.

Jessica shook her head "You can go." She answered, "I'm gonna stay here."

Chris grinned "And wait for Mike?" He asked Jessica.

Jessica rolled her eyes and sat down "N-no!"

Chris shrugged and walked off with Sam and Maysilee, in the direction of the cabin. Maysilee hoped they would find the others there, or at least Josh.

Suddenly Maysilee's phone went off again and she took it out of her pocket to read the text message.


Ashley: I'm at the lodge, how close are you?

Maysilee: Almost there I'm with Sam and Chris.

Ashley: Okay Matt and Em are here too, not quite sure where Josh is.

Maysilee: Alright, we will Cya soon.


And they arrived within minutes of Maysilee's last text. Ashley stood up quickly and rushed over to Maysilee, hugging her best friend tightly. Maysilee hugged her back and smiled. They hadn't seen each other in a whole year. Maysilee's family had moved a few years back so they never saw each other outside of the yearly cabin visiting.

Ashley pulled away "It's fantastic to see you guys!" She said as she hugged Chris and then Sam.

"It's great to see you too Ash," Chris said. Ashley blushed at his comment "Alright well I'm gonna look for Josh."

Ashley nodded "Okay see you later," she replied before looking over at Maysilee "It makes me uncomfortable, being back here y'know, especially since the prank was partly our faults."

Maysilee sighed "Being uncomfortable, I get it after what happened last year with Beth and Hannah. But it wasn't our fault Ash. It was Emily's it was her whole plan because she was jealous Hannah liked her boyfriend."

Suddenly someone behind them spoke up "So that's what you think?" The two girls turned around suddenly, frightened by the voice. Emily and Matt appeared there, the two were now dating.

"No!" Maysilee said quickly "No that's not it, just comforting-"

Emily shook her head "I'm just teasing. Plus it was sorta my fault." She admitted, Maysilee smiled, surprised that Emily admitted she was wrong for once.

Emily hugged the two girls and then Maysilee hugged Matt. Maysilee was kinda the one in the group who was friends with everyone, she wasn't dating anyone in the group so it didn't cause any drama with anyone. Even though she liked Mike. Of course like everyone she had a certain few in the group she was closer to than others. That being Ashley and Chris.

"It's great to see you guys," Matt said as he pulled away from Maysilee's hug. "How have you been."

Maysilee shrugged "I've been good, finally graduated last June, I'll be starting college next fall."

Matt nodded "That's great, what about you Ash?" He asked.

Ashley looked at Matt "I-I don't know what I wanna do."

"Is anyone else here?" Emily asked Maysilee.

"Oh yeah, Chris went to find Josh, Sam went to look for a way inside and Jess is waiting for Mike." Maysilee answered and Emily gave a sour look when Maysilee said 'Jess'.

Guess Jess dating Mike had strained her relationship with Emily. Maysilee sighed "So uh- I know that we all probably don't wanna be here, because of what happened." Maysilee explained, catching everyone's attention, she was right. It was weird being back, of course, if last year's incidents didn't happen, they would be here, but so would Beth and Hannah. "But Josh probably needs this, and I'm guessing that's why we're all here, for Josh."

Matt nodded "I wasn't gonna come, honestly, but I thought about it and I knew Josh needed us here, all of us." He added.

Maysilee nodded before they all went silent again.

UNTIL DAWN   ,   mike munroeWhere stories live. Discover now