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...7 hours until dawn...

Maysilee woke up in a large glass box

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Maysilee woke up in a large glass box. Water to her ankles and the box filling. She then looked to her right and saw Josh and Ashley chained up with a rusty saw blade pointing towards them. "Holy shit..." she muttered to herself "Ash! Josh! What the hell is going on?" She shouted through the glass in hopes they could hear her. Josh and Ashley both glanced at her.

"I-I don't know! Chris!" Ashley cried, struggling against the chains.

Maysilee pounded on the glass, trying to break it, the water was now to her knees, Chris suddenly appeared in the room, Maysilee could hear Ashley's soft crying. Chris looks around "What is this!"

Suddenly a voice appeared on a loudspeaker "Here we have Ashley and Joshua as our co-stars, and Maysilee Connors. Christopher we are gonna play a little game of who lives who dies," the voice was deep, "You can either save Josh or Ashley." The saw blade turned on "Take too long Maysilee will die, don't pick, I pick for you."

"Chris...buddy think about this," Josh begged "PLEASE!"

"Chris..." Ashley cried, "Please please, please. I don't wanna die!"

"No..." Maysilee mumbled the water getting to her mid stomach now.

"I don't wanna choose..." Chris mumbled, "I can't fucking think straight... let me think."

"Chris we don't have all god damn day!" Maysilee screamed "I don't wanna die! Oh god please Chris!"

"Chris, oh Chris I'm scared please think about this!" Josh begged.

Ashley started sobbing loudly "Don't worry Ash, you aren't gonna die!" Chris assured her.

"Wait what!" Josh shouted, "No Chris please, please don't kill me!"

"I'm so sorry Josh, I really am" Chris sobbed, Chris put his hand on the lever and pulled towards Josh. This made the saw blade head for Josh. Ashley turned away from Josh as the saw blade impaled him blood going everywhere.

Maysilee let out yet another blood curling scream, as she watched one of her closest friends die "JOSH! NO!" She screamed, tears flowing down her face.

The water was still filling her glass box. "Ashley don't look! Don't look!" Chris shouted as he rushed over to Ashley.

"Why can't I look Chris. Oh please Chris tell me he's alright!" She screamed as Chris helped her down. Ashley got a glimpse of Josh and screamed. "NO!"

"Good luck saving Maysilee." The psycho said over the speakers.

The two rushed over to Maysilee, the water now on her chest. "Guys please get me out! I'm scared!"

Chris looked at Maysilee "We will! I promise okay!" Chris started pounding on the glass. "Ashley look for something to break the glass!" Ashley scurried off quickly, looking for something. The water started filling faster. It getting up to her neck quickly.

"I kissed Beth!" Maysilee suddenly shouted, thinking she was gonna die "I kissed Beth two years ago, at the lodge, Hannah knew as well, I don't want this secret to die forever!"

"Not the time Mace!" Chris shouted, not caring about what she had just set. Maysilee suddenly took a deep breath as she was completely submerged in water. "Ash! Did you find anything!"

"No!" Ashley sobbed "I can't find anything, we can't let her die Chris!" Maysilee face was paling by the second.

"Keep looking!" Chris shouted, suddenly Ashley ran over with a large metal pole and handed it to Chris knowing he was stronger. Chris hit the glass as hard as he could with the pole and it shattered and Maysilee fell with the glass, getting a few cups on the way. She split some water out, coughing.

Ashley just hugged her "Oh thank goodness! I couldn't loose you too!" Maysilee hugged back, shivering.

"Guys we have to warn the others, about the psycho," Chris proposed, "Cmon..." he said glancing at Josh before exiting and rushing outside with the two girls. They ran into Emily and Matt.

"Holy shit what did we miss?" Emily asked chuckling.

"Josh is dead! There's a fucking psycho on this mountain! He made me pick between Ashley and Josh to live and nearly drown Maysilee!"

"What?" Matt asked "What do you mean!" Chris just nodded.

"We have to get everyone! Make sure everyone is okay then," Emily suggested "Where's Sam?"

"She's in the lodge, last that I knew of." Maysilee answered.

"Okay, And Jess and Mike are at the guest cabin got it. I have a plan." Emily protested. "But one of us will have to go alone..."

"I can do it, I've already had one near death experience I'm sure I can handle more."

"Not the time." Chris said, looking at Maysilee.

"Sorry... just trying to ease the tension. But yeah I'll go alone, plus I know the way." She said, not caring to explain how she knows the way. Josh had only told the couples where it was.

"How do you- wait Nevermind it doesn't matter." Emily questioned "But Ashley and Chris can get Sam, Matt and I can go find some help, there should be emergency radios or phones around the mountain, and Maysilee you need to find Jess and Mike to tell them what's going on."

They all understood and rushed off, Emily made sure to have her pocket knife on her before she started running. It was a longest she had ever run. About a half hour. When she arrived at the guest cabin, the window on the door was shattered, and the door was wide open, Jess's phone laid on the porch.

Maysilee reached for her phone and tried dialing Mike, "Oh Mike please pickup." He did pickup, "Mike!" All she could here was cutting out on the other end "Shit!" She just hung up and looked around the area.

Until she found footprints and started chasing after the footprints. She didn't dare to shout Mike or Jess, incase the psycho would hear her. She kept following the footprints until she reached a small building. She looked around and started climbing up "Mike?" She whispered "Are you in here?" She heard something rustle. "Who's there Mike is it you?"

Maysilee looked around, she was slowly climbing up "Mace?" A voice said, she instantly recognized it as Mike's. Mike's head peaked over, he had a gun in his hand. He dropped to his knees to pull her up.

Maysilee grunted as Mike pulled her up, "Fuck Mike, there's a psycho up on this mountain. T-they killed Josh!"

"Jess is dead..." he said suddenly, "Something took her, she dropped from a elevator shaft, if only I was just a little faster! I could of fucking saved her Maysilee! I could of!"

Maysilee looked at him "Hey, hey calm down Mike. Don't beat yourself down for this... but we have to get to the others!"

"No I know where he went! I can kill him!" Mike explained "That way come on!" He grabbed her hand and stood to his feet.

Maysilee didn't say anything, she just stared at Mike. Maybe he was right, if Mike could kill this crazy psycho they would all be safe and could forget about it. Mike started running and Maysilee ran after him.

UNTIL DAWN   ,   mike munroeWhere stories live. Discover now