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They had been sitting in the safe room for about a half an hour

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They had been sitting in the safe room for about a half an hour. They still have another half an hour to make it to dawn.

Maysilee had been resting her leg incase they needed to make a run for it. Chris had done the same. Ashley was reading through The Stranger's book. Emily had been pacing back and fourth for the past 10 minutes. Suddenly they heard a loud screeching and something fall down. They all looked at each other before running out of the safe room. "Run! It's a wendigo!" Emily screamed.

Maysilee ran as fast as she could, Emily had shoved Ashley while they were running. They saw Sam and Mike. "RUN! There's a wendigo!" Chris shouted.

Maysilee's leg gave in and she fell, she could hear the wendigo getting closer. "Shit! Maysie!" Mike shouted and ran to her. "Get up quick!" He grabbed ahold of her and ran out, Sam locked the door and followed them. Mike stopped in place when he got up the stairs. Emily, Ashley and Chris had frozen in place, Mike stood there, still holding onto Maysilee. Maysilee didn't move a muscle. Sam had finally came up and paused "Don't move. Don't move a fucking muscle." Mike said stiffly.

Luckily none of the Wendigos caught any of them. But they did start attacking each other, which gave Maysilee a brief moment to readjust herself. Mike and Sam started exchanging looks like they were gathering a plan. "Mike. What are you doing." Maysilee said as quiet as she could.

"You have to stand on your own." Mike said quietly, "Sam and I have a plan."

Maysilee nodded, understanding. Mike let her go and she stood there. Mike carefully walks over to a lightbulb. Sam make a floorboard creak and they all stayed still again. Mike breaks the lightbulb and wendigo Hannah turned towards Mike, Chris ran out of the lodge, "Hey!" Sam yelled, saving Mike. She stood still again.

That gave Emily now the chance to run out of the lodge. The wendigo turned away and Sam ran to hide behind a pillar. The Wendigo turned away from Mike, Mike waited a moment and than ran to Maysilee and picked her up, running out of the lodge with her. Sam then ran to the switch and rushed out of the lodge, and the lodge blew up into flames.

Mike set Maysilee down. The sun rose and they all knew it. Mike let out a sigh of relief "We did it, we survived until dawn."

Suddenly they all heard a helicopter, and looked up. Maysilee stood to her feet and waved her arms so they could see them. Five minutes later the helicopter had landed near them and out came Jess, Josh, and Matt. Josh was handcuffed but still standing with them.

"Matt!" Emily cheered happily and ran up to him, hugging him tightly.

Mike looked at Maysilee and then Jess, but he did go up and hug Jess, who was badly injured. Maysilee looked at Chris, and debated going to talk to Josh, she decided too. Josh looked at her "M-"

Maysilee sighed "Why Josh? Why would you do something like that?" Maysilee demanded an answer from him.

"M- I was scared and fucked in the head..." He admitted, "I'm so sorry- I'm going to jail aren't I?"

Maysilee sighed, "Probably, it's not like attempted murder and assault are illegal."

Josh sighed "You hit me too Mace." He pointed out.

Maysilee fumed, "Your kidding right?" She asked, "Holy shit you aren't. Josh I wasn't dressed up as a psycho you knew exactly who I was! And yes I might of figured out who you were but that was after you stabbed me in the leg with scissors."

Josh sighed "I'm really sorry, about everything I have caused these past few hours." Josh sounded sincere, "I wanted revenge for what you guys did to my sister."

Maysilee frowned "I know Josh but as bad as we deserve punishment for what happened causing all this wasn't what we needed. Think about the fact we all came here to help you through everything that happened and then you just betrayed us." Maysilee shook her head and walked away from Josh before he could say anything. She walked over to Mike who was alone.

"With Jess being back what does this mean for us?" Maysilee asked.

Mike sighed "She's still a bit shocked I'm gonna wait until she's in a good state of mind to call it off with her." Mike said, "Tonight I realized how brave and loyal you are and that's the type of girl I wanna spend my life with."

Maysilee blushed softly "Thank you Mike."

He kissed her quickly before the cops and FBI took them to the station in there home town.

UNTIL DAWN   ,   mike munroeWhere stories live. Discover now