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...2 hours until dawn...

Maysilee walked down behind the group with Chris, they were both pretty injured and were slower than the rest of the group

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Maysilee walked down behind the group with Chris, they were both pretty injured and were slower than the rest of the group. Maysilee was skimming the book. She's glad she read it because she learned the Wendigos can mimic anyone's voices. Chris stops to take a breather and so does Maysilee.

"Guys- I think- I think you should leave us behind." Chris suggested, "We're both slowing you down from finding Mike."

Maysilee nodded "Yeah- we'll be fine, just go along."

Ashley frowned, "If you say so..." she said hesitantly. The three girls continued on there own and Chris and Maysilee sat down.

"Mace?" Chris questioned, making her look at him, "How did you keep fighting the psycho, I mean Josh? How did you have the guts to punch someone I mean."

Maysilee shrugged "Before I knew it was Josh I thought they killed Beth, and you know from the sawing I was closer to Beth than anyone knew. Then me and Hannah were close as well, she was like a sister to me. So it was easy, honestly I know that sounds bad but-"

Chris cut her off, "I understand, trust me." He assured her.

"There's just so much I wanna do before I die, and I'm scared I'll end up like Beth and Hannah, who never got the chance to complete there bucket lists..." she mumbled.

"Bucket lists?" Chris asked.

Maysilee smiled "Oh yeah when we were 13, the twins and I made bucket lists that we wanted to complete before we turned 21. Of course it contains a whole bunch of things 13-year-old girls wanna do like, meet Leonardo DiCaprio." Maysilee replied, chuckling, "Great times Chris, great times."

- flashback -

Maysilee ran up into the Hannah's room with the twins. The girls where giggling and smiling, she was spending a week at the lodge during summer break with the Washington's.

"What is your so called amazing idea?" Beth asked Hannah.

"We should make bucket lists!" She cheered.

Maysilee gave her a confused look "What's a bucket list?" She asked.

Hannah smiled "It's where you write down a whole bunch of stuff you wanna do before you die or before your a certain age."

Maysilee nodded "Okay! Let's do it!" Hannah went and grabbed 3 pieces of paper and coloring and writing utensils.

"Let's do before we turn 21." Beth suggested.

The three agreed and made there lists, "Meet Mr. DiCaprio." Hannah said giggling.

Maysilee smiled "Oh my gosh! Yes agreed."

"I wanna go skydiving!" Beth cheered.

Maysilee looked over at her "Please please please don't take me! I hate heights, absolutely terrified of them."

Beth nodded "Don't worry Maysie I won't." She said grinning.

The three girls looked at the door when they heard it open.

Hannah rolled her eyes annoyed, "Joshua! Get out!" She shouted.

Josh stood in the doorway, who was 15 and enjoyed annoying his younger sisters. Maysilee was a year younger than the twins, but was on the older half of her age. She was born in the first week of January in 1997."Guys it's fine- he can hangout with us- I really don't mind at all-" Maysilee said. Which had started her friendship with Josh.

"No! He won't! Joshua cmon!" Hannah shouted, "Mom! Dad! Josh won't leave us alone!"

"Josh leave your sisters and there friend alone!" Mrs Washington shouted from the downstairs of the lodge. Josh sighed and walked away.

"Finally!" Hannah said and got back on her bed.

Maysilee looked up at the door and felt bad, "Hey-uh I'll be right back alright?" She said and stood to her feet.

"Where are you going?" Beth asked curiously.

"Um, bathroom!" She said quickly and walked out of the room, shutting Hannah's door.

"Hey! Josh!" She said, trying not to be to loud. Josh turned around.

"Look I'm sorry about- annoying you guys- just bored because Chris couldn't come." Josh said, a sincere look on his face.

Maysilee shook her head, "No it's fine." She said.

"Your Maysilee right?" He asked, being sure he was right. Maysilee had been friends with the twins a few years but she had never spent anytime around Josh, besides in elementary school, so her and Josh hadn't really spoken to each other before.

"Yes's Maysilee Connors." She said and shook his hand, "I've heard a lot about you" she said.

"Probably all bad right?" Josh asked jokingly and Maysilee shrugged, in hopes of giving him the 'sometimes' answer.

- flashback over -

Maysilee smiled at Chris as she told the story, "Much less interesting story of how Josh and I met than yours."

Chris chuckled "Yeah just a little." He said.
"Do you have enough energy to start walking?"

Maysilee looked at her leg and then nodded "Yeah I think so."

Chris stood to his feet and put his hand out for Maysilee. She grabbed ahold of it and he pulled her up. She rubbed the dirt off her outfit. Chris and Maysilee made their way through the tunnel. They were still walking pretty slow,

"HELP!" Some screamed, which alerted Maysilee and Chris, they both looked at each other.

"That sounded like-" Chris started.

"Jessica." Maysilee finished, sighing and they both rushed to the noise but then she remembered something.

'The Wendigos can mimic anyone's voices.'

Chris was about to hop down in a small cave, but Maysilee grabbed his wrist tightly "Chris stop! It's a wendigo!" She shouted.

He grabbed a ahold of a rock to stop himself from slipping "I'm slipping pull me up then explain!" He insisted and Maysilee pulled him up back to the tunnel. "I was skimming the book when we were with the everyone else it said something about Wendigos mimicking peoples voices, we can't risk it."

"But what if it is Jessica!" He shouted.

"Shh Chris!" She whispered, "It's not trust me! Chris please."

Chris sighs, "I-I trust you..." He said hesitantly.

Maysilee continued walking with Chris around the tunnels. Hoping to find some sign of her friends. Luckily they found a arrow that showed where they went, Maysilee climbed down into the sewers and helped Chris down. "God I hope they're okay..." Maysilee said as they continued there walk.

"Me too." Chris said, "We just have to hope for the best." Chris looked down at his feet, "By the way thanks for staying back with me when I needed a breather."

"No problem, to be honest I needed one too. My leg still hurts I just don't think it's too priority right now." She admitted.

Suddenly the two of them heard talking, and saw Emily and Ashley at the bottom of a rock wall and Sam was climbing up. "Hello." Chris said as we approached them.

UNTIL DAWN   ,   mike munroeWhere stories live. Discover now