☆🍂Highschool friends [Niragi X Muslim! OC]

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• High school AU

Summary: Niragi find's himself interested on an exchange student that turns out to be a Muslim.

Genre: Comfort

Warning!: bullying,Racism(mostly from the bullies), a little bit of blood.

Word count: 1.4K

Tags: none

{Note}: sorry if there are any miss spells :)

  It is a new boring day as usual, Niragi is sitting on his desk waiting for the class to begin with its natural habit. Niragi's seat is in the back of the class and no one is brave enough to sit right next to him, and I mean NO ONE has the guts to do it. Niragi is known to be the most dangerous person that everyone at school knows, one time at class he death threats a teacher which made the teacher quit their job as a teacher. He is the only one that gets to sit in the back except for the one's that get to sit right in front of him, and the one's that get to sit in front of him were: Chishiya Shuntaro,Arisu Ryohei and Kuina Hikari. One of the three Students that pissed him off the most is Chishiya, who has actually the guts to annoy Niragi.

He sighed as the teacher went inside the class room with books on his hands. Everyone sat down on their seats and greeted the teacher as usual "Good morning class, today we have a new student that will be joining our class for the rest of the year. An exchange student from Indonesia will be joining us in this school" The teacher continued"Now, please stay quiet in class as I go get them" The teacher said and walked out of the class. Everyone in the class was whispering about the new exchange student, Niragi heard some students say"Since they are from Indonesia, would they be able to speak Japanese" Of course that is a bit rude but, Niragi got his curiosity into this new student. He wouldn't know if it were to be a girl or a boy, but still he's curious. His curiosity got the best of him until he didn't realized that the teacher came back with a girl wearing a hijab on her, he looked up and saw the girl the teacher is with. He scanned her features giving an interest on her more, he smirked to himself thinking that she will be his next prey to hunt in today's year.

"Please introduce yourself to the class" The teacher told her. She bowed a bit and started to speak up"hello everyone, my name is Ghizadhia Nayla Putri Hanie, but you can call me Ila"she said bowing again"Nice to meet you Ms.Ila, now please sit down right next to Mr.Niragi" The teacher told as she walked towards him and sat her school bag right next to her as she sat on her seat. Niragi took a little glance at her before the teacher clapped his hands to make the class pay attention to him as he started teaching.


The teacher dismissed everyone in class for lunch, Ila took out her bento box out of her school bag and put the lid off. Niragi was going to tap her shoulder for her attention until Kuina walked towards her seat and told to have lunch with her, Chishiya and Arisu"Sure thing!" She said and got out of her seat closing the bento box as she grabbed it and walked out of the class room with the three people. Niragi was pissed off by the fact when you walked out Chishiya was looking at him, a smirk on his face as he walked with Ila right next to him. Niragi didn't know why he was so pissed by the fact that she is with him, he shrugged the feeling off and walked out of the class room as people were terrified looking at him as they avoided him. He strutted through the halls walking towards the cafeteria, he walked in the cafeteria to see that Ila wasn't in the cafeteria. He walked out of the cafeteria to see her turning a corner with no Chishiya, Kuina and Arisu with her, he immediately turned the corner to see her  again, turning a corner bento still in her hands. Now he is getting pissed off by her actions as he followed her again but this time her bento is on a table that was right next to an empty class room,he saw her shoes were outside the empty class room's door.

Niragi being curious, he walked towards the door and opened it to see her wearing something on her body that he couldn't understand, with a rug thing on the floor too as she was standing on it really still. But he did knew what she was doing, she was praying, in the afternoon, he didn't understand that much about Islamic things but he did know a few things about them. He stood there in silence waiting for her to finish, a smirk plastered on his face as he waits patiently for her.. When she was done praying and took off the thing she put  on and fold it, she turned around in shock to see Niragi. She smiled sweetly at him luckily she still wore her hijab on while she was praying"so.. Um, you're the Niragi Suguru guy that Chishiya told me right?.. I mean like no offense!. Nice to meet you by the way, my name is-" "Ila yeah I know that" Niragi cut her off and walked towards her figure that is shaking a bit. Chishiya told her everything about Niragi, and Ila was terrified on hearing Chishiya's stories of the man.She walked back a little and folded the rug quickly and ran towards the door, putting on her shoes and grabbing the empty bento box and walked away quickly, leaving Niragi in the empty class room.

He stood there in silence, his heart in pain to see her running away from him all because of Chishiya's stupid stories about him that were true. He sighed and walked out the classroom, pain filling his heart as he rushed through the halls to desperately find her. In the end he never did find her again, he thought to himself that she will never talk to him again all because of the things she heard from that Cheshire Cat Chishiya guy. The bell ringed signing that it was time for another class, he walked to class and sat on his seat only to see Ila not in her seat. He didn't thinked about it that much thinking that she is just late for class, the teacher came in and Ila is still not in class. The teacher noticed the empty seat and began to speak"Does anyone know where Ms.Hanie is?" No one was answering the teachers question until the teacher looked at Niragi and told him to go find her. He stood up and walked out of class to start finding her in the empty halls of the school, she was nowhere to be found. He went to the empty class that she was praying before and saw that she wasn't there either, he decided to look for her on the school field and he immediately saw her.
His eyes widened at sight of her on the ground, looking scared as 3 boys surrounded her. One holding a bat and the others armless with nothing in their hands"You Muslims are just to weak to fight back huh?, how about you take off that pretty little hood of yours and let us see your hair?" The boy with the bat said hitting her slightly on the knees just to form a purple bruise. Niragi was pissed off to see them treating her like that, so he decided to strut towards the guy with the bat and punched him hard on the face, blood forming over his nose as he hit Niragi back with the bat hitting his skull it formed blood on his head. One of the other guys tried to punch her m in the guts but they failed as Niragi instantly punched them before he could punch him"anyone else wanna die? " He asked the three of them. One of the boys tam away as the other two injured ones ran away too. He looked back at Ila, her face was filled with disbelief and fear"Come one, the teacher is waiting for us so get up. " Niragi said coldly as he winced from the pain on his head, Ila saw the blood dripping down from his forhead, she got up and grabbed her bento box"c-can we go to the nurse's office first? " Ila said looking up at Niragi, bento box on her hands as her legs tremble from the bruise on her right knee"Can you even walk?" He asked her, looking at the purple bruise that is on her right knee"yeah, I'm fine but still we need to go to the nurse's office so that the bleeding in your head would stop"she said with worry eyes, Niragi blushed a little at her be in worried about him. No one has ever been worried about him except for his mother of course, but Ila was the first random person that gets to be worry about him.

The two of them went to the nurse's office and sat down on one of the white beds that was in the room. The nurse said that Niragi has to stay in her office until school was over so that his bleeding would stop"Niragi.."Ila said looking at him, a frown on her face"i-i'm sorry for all the trouble that I got you into"she said to him looking scared that maybe he might just get angry at her instantly "it wasn't your fault.. " Niragi said as he layed down on the bed"it was those three dudes fault"he chuckled a bit making her smile warmly at him"you should get back to class, the teacher would be angry at you"Niragi said to her"y-yeah sure thing!, oh also-.Maybe we could walk home together after school?"she asked looking at him"sure whatever you want just get out of my sight" He said forcing her to get out with his words. Ila smiled and walked out of the nurse's office to go back to class.

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