☆🌸 🎮 Gaming With Ryohei 🎮 [Arisu X Reader]

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Characters: Arisu Ryohei,Y/N,Chishiya Shuntaro,Kuina Hikari

Summary: You were bored,didn't know what to do after coming back from the games until you got offered by Arisu to play games with him in his room

Genre: Fluff, game night with our stinky boyo Risu :3.

Warning!: mentions of a bit of blood.

Word count: 1.3K

Tag's: none

| reader is gender neutral

"Finally!" You said as you got off the car. You just came back to the beach, some blood splatter's covered your hand and face. You just came back from a hearts game and in order to survive you have to kill someone, you hated it but you have no other choice since Aguni was watching you.

Yes you are part of the militants, everyone knows that but they aren't afraid of you 'cause you're nice and sweet, not like Niragi who is a dumb jerk that would always stick his tongue out for actually no reason.

You think he sucks at his work, but without him you wouldn't be able to survive that one diamonds game which you hate cause it had calculating and stuff. You were glad Niragi was there to help you, and that is when he offered you to come join him at the beach. You weren't new to the beach, you joined the beach before the people that were partying and all were there.

You sighed as you made it to your room, getting in the bathroom and turning in the shower as you took of your bloody clothes that needed to be washed. After showering you pit on some Pajamas and threw your bloody closes inside the dirty laundry basket. You sighed as you sat on the edge of your bed not knowing what to do. Aguni told you, that you don't have night patrol today so you can't chat with the other militants.

"I'm bored" You said to yourself as you got up and walked out your room. You walked through the hall's of the beach just walking and doing nothing else until you saw a glimpse of blonde hair and a tall girl "Hey Chishiya, Kuina" You greeted them. They looked back at you, Kuina smiling and Chishiya Waving his hand at you "So what are you guy's up to now?" You asked them as you leaned at the wall that is behind you right next to Chishiya "Nothing much, just discussing some things" Chishiya said "And talking about how dumb these people are" Kuina add's continuing to chew at the fake cigarette that is in her mouth.

You nodded at the as you began talking to the again. After that you heard someone calling your name, you looked where the voice came to see Arisu your friend that you met just a few weeks ago "Hey Risu, what's up?" "Risu? Really?, that's what you call him?" Kuina said raising a brow "Arisu you deserve a better Nick name than that" Chishiya said smirking at you as you hit his arm "Ouch!..how rude of you Y/n for doing that to me" He says holding his chest dramatically.

"Stop that!,anyways what's up Risu?" You asked Arisu that was standing there dumb founded "Oh! I was wondering if you would like to hand out with me to my room and just play some games that I got?" Arisu said and you nod "Sure!, I'll be there" You said and Arisu smiles as he left you there alone again with Kuina and Chishiya "So you already friends with him?" Kuina asked and you nod while smiling "Yeah, so what? He's a nice kid" "He is nice for something else than just a friend.." Chishiya muttera and Kuina hit his elbow lightly to shut him up "Well you better get going, you don't want him to wait too long in his room".

You nodded as you said goodbye to them and walk away to Arisu's room. You knew where his room is because he offered you to come to his room once to help him clean it up since it was occupied by the people that were staying at the hotel before the borderland's.

You knocked on his door three times and waited patiently. You didn't wait too long since the door is already wife open for you as you saw Arisu in front of you "Come in" He says and you nod as you went inside.

You Saw the console already set up on a chair and two bean bags that were sat on the floor. The TV already lit up, the screen had the games 'START' button on it "So what game is this?" You asked Arisu as you sat on one of the bean bags and grabbing one of the switches that were plugged into the console "It's an RPG game that Niragi found while the militants were out to get some stuff that we needed..i mean only the militants are aloud to go..some how Niragi found this game and decided to give it to me since he said that 'It's not my type of game' " Arisu explains as you nodded.

"So shall we start?" Arisu nods at you as he grabs his switch and pressed the 'X' button on the switch. Arisu saved the game as the game told us to customize our character's "Ooo~, look at all these hat's!" You said as you switch from a wizard's hat to kitty ears "I like this one" Arisu say's as he selected a squid hat "Pff- that looks funny" You said as you chuckled "What? I like it!, don't judge me" Arisu say's as he smacks you lightly on the arm.

- - -

How many minutes into the game the both of you already made it to the first big boss. Before that, the two of you interacted with the town folks that needed help and will give the both of you guys task such as bringing them special gems from a crystal cave that is guarded by trolls and other creatures that you needed to fight. After you two finish the task you two will be rewarded. The rewards are basically coins or rare weapons that only one could have "Okay Risu..the first final boss of the game..what weapon should we choose before we defeat it?" You asked and Arisu thinks as he putted his point finger and thumb on his chin "hmm..Let's use the ultimate rare Emathyst sword and the Crystal bow with the special fire arrow that was got a lot from the villagers" You agreed as you selected the Crystal bow with the fire arrows as Arisu selected the Emathyst sword.

Arisu saved the game as you two went inside the portal to defeat the first final boss that was surprisingly a big red dragon "Take that!" Arisu say's "And that!" You say as you fired the fire arrow at the dragon.

After the both of you finished the dragon and finished the chapter one of the game, the both of you decided that  it was time to go to bed. Arisu cleaned up the console and switches, you helping him. After you and Arisu finished cleaning up, you were about to grab the door knob of Arisu's hotel room until you felt him holding your arm "Wait!..could you maybe like to sleep with me?, I mean your room is like really far away from mine" You smiled as you layed on the left side of the bed as Arisu layed on the right side, both backs facing each other until he pulled you into his chest "Hey..i know you're about to go to sleep but I'm just wanted to say that.." Arisu stops for a moment

"I like you more than just a gaming buddy"

You chuckled at his words as you hit him playfully on the shoulder " I like you too you stinky mutt dog that I love so much" You booped his nose "Hey! Do I really smell?" "Yup" "Do I have to take a shower?" "Yes" "But u don't want to take a bath~" "No buts! Go! Get off the bed and take a shower" "Fiiiinnee"

{The end}

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