☆🌸 Midnight Cuddles [Niragi X Reader]

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• Here,have some short Niragi Fluff. It's actually Midnight at my place so enjoy~.

Characters: Y/n,Niragi Suguru

Summary: it's 2:00 AM and you couldn't sleep, sleep so you went to Niragi's room

Warning!: OOC niragi,he's soft here so beware

Genre: Fluff,just cuddle times with giraffe boyo.

Word count: none (I'm too tired to write this with word counts-)

Tag's: none


You couldn't sleep. Ever since you came back from the games at 11 PM and you're about to go to sleep...you couldn't. Your never like this..ever, sometime you would go to sleep at 1AM..but this time you don't.

You sighed as you hugged your body pillow against your chest as you roll around the white sheets of your bed "It's hot..." You muttered tiredly. Your eyes ached and felt tired, every time you try just closing your eyes,hoping you go to sleep and it still didn't work. Sometimes it would work and you would soon drift off to dream land at any moment but this time it just didn't work.

You groaned as you got out of bed and turned the AC even lower to make the room more colder. You walked towards your bed again, flopping yourself into it as you grabbed at your body pillow again "Much better..." You muttered at the coldness of the room.

How many minutes later, you still couldn't sleep and now it was going to soon to be 3AM. You groaned again,this time getting up to turn off the AC "Why am I like this??" You asked yourself as you sat on your bed again, clutching onto your body pillow...until an idea popped up in your head. You smiled widely as you left your room to go to your Boyfriends room,Niragi. You walked through the hallways of the resort,silence was within the air as you continued. All of the dancing and what not is never to be heard again at this time, everyone is completely asleep in their rooms,some wasted or getting...BUSY.

You finally made it to Niragi's room as you knocked on the door softly "Niragi!" You whisper shouted through the door, no response. You opened the door slowly making a creacking sound, you looked over to his bed to see him sleeping with his hair loose and rifle right next to his bed that was leaning by the nearby wall. You slowly made your way to the sleeping psycho, you stood right next to his bed as you shake his body lightly "Psst! Niragi~" You said softly tapping on his smooth pale cheek a few times resulting a groan to leave his lips "What...the heck?" He said,opening his eyes as he sat on his bed "Y/n...go back to your room and sleep love.." He said,smiling lazily while looking at you "But I can't~" You whined softly "You can't what?" "I can't sleep Niragi...i don't know why though,sometimes I would sleep at 1AM but this time I just can't" You explained to him.

"So you wanna cuddle?" He asked looking up at you "Yes please.." You said with a tiny voice. He smiled as he moved away a bit to leave some space for you to lay, you smiled as you got into the sheets of his bed Comfortably enjoying the warmth of the area. Niragi lays down right next to you, bringing you over to his chest as he hugged you with his big arms, smiling softly.

"This feels....nice" He said, you chuckled at his words "We've cuddled many times before and you still say that?" You asked him "No I meant that it feels so warm and...mmm cozy~" He said, pulling you closer into his chest.

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