★🌸 Doggy Walks

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Characters: Dori Sakurada,Fanta(his dog),Kento Yamazaki,Shuntaro Yanagi,Merry (Shuntaro's dog)

Summary: It is a lovely day,time to take Fanta for some walkies!.

Genre: Fluff,Just a cute dogo with his hot owner doing their morning routine.

Warning!: none

Word count: 1.1K

Tag's: none

• the brown dog is fanta (image above)

Dori woke up from his bed time be greeted by his face covered in fog saliva. Fanta the dachshund continue's to lick his face, demanding his owner to wake up "I'm up, I'm up Fanta" Dori said as he pets Fanta's head.

Fanta just barks, happily wagging his tail. Fanta got down from Dori's bed and walked out of his room. Dori checking the time on the clock that is on his bedside drawer "7:30 AM..." He mutters as he checked the date on his phone "Sunday...I HAVE WORK-...wait..my manager said that I don't need to go to work today..huh, how did I forget about that??" Dori slurs as he lays on his bed again, going to close his eyes.."BORK BORK!" Said Fanta "Yes, yes I'm uuuppp" Dori groans as he pets Fanta on the head.

Dori gets in the bathroom and took a shower, after that he dried his hair and bangs that are not covering his eyes. He got dressed and went down stairs to be greeted by Fanta again, but this in a sitting position "First we eat breakfast and then go on walkies okay?" Fanta growls a bit "Hey bud I know you hate walks but you have to get your exercise and stay healthy. What? You wanna be like our front neighbor Kento?, he's a lazy hooman and never likes to do anything but pick up things with his feet!" Fanta whines by hearing Dori's words "Good, that means you don't want to end up like him" Dori smiles as he walks to the kitchen,Fanta following him.

Dori taking out dog food from the kitchens cabinet and shake it a bit, receiving a bark from fanta "first, we need to get our tummies filled up and then we go on a walk" Dori walks to the room that was right beside the entrance,where Fanta's dog bowl and dining room is at. He poured in the food as Fanta gave him a bark and began to eat.

Dori doing the same thing as he walked to the kitchen and started to get some Nori and egg from the fridge, he grabbed a bowl and put rice in it as he cracked the egg open as it landed on the rice, he began to mix the rice and egg with chopsticks until it was well mixed.

He grabbed the Nori and sprinkled it on top of the mixed egg and rice, he grabbed some sesame seeds and sprinkled it on top of the other ingredients. He grabbed another egg from fridge and cracked it open again just to fall on the rice but this time he's not mixing it "Ah..nothing is more delicious than Tamago Kake Gohan,I'm glad that I have all the ingredients cause I didn't went shopping for groceries yesterday" He said as he sat on the dinner tables chair while eating and watching Fanta eat happily, his doggy tail wagging side to side.

After eating he washed his bowl and drank some water. Going back to the dining area to see fanta laying down of the floor with a full stomach and a cute expression on his face as he looks up at Dori while licking his nose "Why are you so cute?" Dori asked as he picked Fanta up from the floor holding him. Fanta laying his head on Dori's shoulder as Dori sat him down near the front door.

Dori going up stairs and putting on black hoodie that has a say 'sakura da festa' it's the hoodie that he made just for his fans also known as his merchandise hoodie. He grabbed fanta's collar and harness as he walked back down the stairs, Fanta still in his sitting position.

He put's on the items on Fanta "Okay l, now we can go on walkies" Fanta barking at him as he opened the front door. Fanta now on a leash walking fastly, Dori trying to catch up behind him "Hey! Where are you two going?" A voice said. Dori pulled on Fanta's leash a bit so that Fanta would stop walking, Dori looking at where the voice is to see His neighbor from across his house Kento Yamazaki "Just taking Fanta on a walk, what are you doing today Kento?" "Nothing much..i'm bored. Can I join?" Kento asked, Dori smiles and nod's.

Now it's just the trio, Walking a dog. Kento now holding Fanta's leash and Dori beside him. They walked past the animal park that was near their neighborhood, they decided to go there and let Fanta make some new friends. Getting to the park they sat down on a wooden bench "Okay Fanta my sweet little potato buddy!, you can go play with the other dogs but don't go too far okay?" Dori said to fanta as he unclip's the leash from Fanta, Fanta barks as he runs away to make some new friends.

"Is this a coincidence?, I didn't know you two are here. and Kento I thought you were a cat person?" Some one said, they both stopped talking to each other as they both look up to see their friend Shuntaro Yanagi that is holding the leash of his white dog Merry that was now looking up at the three in confusion "Well i'm just taking Fanta on walks with Kento here, he's playing with the other dogs right now..over there!" Dori say's, as he points at Fanta that was playing with another dog "Ah, I see. Same with Merry here, she needs some sunshine too, would you mine if I sit here?" Dori and Kento nods as they move away for Shuntaro to sit in the middle "Okay, you can go and play with Fanta and the other dog's now girl, just don't go too far away from us okay?" Merry barking as Shuntaro released her for her leash as she runs away to Fanta.

"Geez why are dog's and cat's are so cute?" Kento asked, as he looks at where Fanta and Merry were playing, the two dogs playing with a black and white ragdoll cat that was playing Fanta's tail "That cat is cute" Kento said again as tge ither three boys that were older than him laughed.

After that they all said their goodbye's and leave. fanta peacefully sleeping on his dog bed that is right next to Dori's bed as Dori slept in his bed hugging his black body pillow.

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