𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 15 - 𝑅𝑒𝓅𝒶𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃

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Five's pov

_"And that's how Phil determined that the archduke just had to go. Care for dessert?"-The Handler finished her story while slurping on the straw of her also finished drink. If I'm honest, I poorly payed attention to her words. My mind had many other worries, including stopping the apocalypse and escaping the Commission again, the usual, but also, the "Dolores" situation...Or Y/n situation.

I was still furious on how I was toyed around by the girl, or woman, as it stated on the file I've read that her age wasn't exactly the one she looked to be. Her change of appearance was probably part of the manipulation tactics of her job. Thinking again, it was so obvious to tell something was wrong with her since the start, and yet I was fooled so easily. Rather than being angry at her, I was more upset with myself and my stupidity. However, that obviously doesn't mean I was on good terms with her. Or was considering that at all.

If anything, I wanted distance from her. I knew her plans now, and I wouldn't let her get in my way anymore.

_"I had a bad Twinkie in the apocalypse once. It kinda put me off desserts."-I answered to The Handler's offer, yet she didn't look so convinced.

_"Please, indulge me."-She gently pushed the candy bowl in front of me a bit nearer, and with a sigh, I reached my hand to get one of the delights.

Getting rid of the wrapper, I popped the candy in my mouth, taking a second to analyze it's taste. It was hard to decipher it at first, my brows furrowing in confusion.

_"What's that taste like to you?"

_"...The 1950s?"-I came to that very abstract conclusion, that yet felt on point to describe the flavor.

_"Precisely right. Our clever metaphysics division concocted a way to perfectly distill an entire decade into a single candy. This one's modeled after the Fudge Mutt, America's favorite in 1955."-The woman briefly explained the candies architecture, as if it was the most incredible thing, and I would have to say that it was-


_"You'll be happy to know it's the very division that's building your new body."-Meaning, the same division that worked on Y/n's young body too. The regression was already quite impressing, so I wouldn't doubt I'd get a well done body too. That is, if I was planning on actually staying in that hell of a place.

_"Oh, that reminds me, I have something for you. Carla! Would you bring in the box please?"-The Handler pressed the intercom's button in front of her, and spoke with the woman apparently named Carla. The woman agreed, and faint footsteps could be heard approaching the office. That was quite fast.

I watched as the woman placed a big box on the desk in front of me, and The Handler stood up to join me by my side. Getting that as a hint to stand up as well, I did so.

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