𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 52 - 𝑀𝒾𝓃𝑒

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First person pov

Five and I jumped out of the car in incredible speed as soon as we arrived at the back alley. We ran together to the marked spot, and while the boy took the briefcase that would take us to 2019 from the dumpster, I looked around to see if any of his siblings were close, but to my disappointment, only Luther was in sight, coming towards us.

_"Hey. Where is everyone?"-He asked, Five joining me by my side to answer.

_"...You're the first."-He answered after looking at my face and seeing the annoyance stamped on it.


_"Damnit."-I sighed, covering my face with both hands and taking a deep breath. Getting angry wouldn't get me anywhere, but it was a bit hard to control it.

_"We made it!"-When I heard that voice, my hands instantly left me, and I looked in direction of the sound.

What I saw was a very weird looking Klaus, and that would be normal considering it was him I'm talking about, but it was unusually weird. He was almost tripping on his own feet while running to us, his arms wiggled around like jello, and he had some crazy randoms spasms. It was honestly worrying, since I wouldn't say he looked high or drunk either.

_"What do you mean, 'we'?"-Five asked, raising a brow. Stopping to think about it, it indeed was a weird usage of words.

The boy, however, didn't get his response, as Klaus's struggle only got more intense. He started pushing his own face to the side, his body shaking in agony, and him letting out shuddering grunts that sounded like nonsense. I watched in silence, just making sure he wasn't going to die or something.

As if things weren't weird and off-putting enough, the man turned his back to us, and started gurgling. Just from that, I knew what was about to come, so I turned around as well as soon as I saw him opening his mouth. And then I heard the vomiting, and it was extremely gross to me already, so I couldn't even imagine seeing it.

_"I can't believe it. I mean, you're here!"-Luther exclaimed in frustration, and I sighed again, trying to get the image of puke out of my mind. It was unexpected to see Klaus being one of the firsts to arrive at the alley, that was true. I was hoping that at least Allison would manage to get there...But that would depend on Luther's convincing skills, so I guess it wasn't that surprising that she wasn't there.

_"We've got eight minutes left!"-I groaned in growing disappointment as well. I honestly didn't even have hopes anymore. If they all didn't get there in 30 minutes, they surely wouldn't get in 8.

_"I just had the strangest dream..."-I heard Klaus whimpering, but refused to turn around and face whatever the hell was happening. He would be fine.

_"Where are the others?!"-The boy questioned angrily. Maybe he still had some determination on him.

_"They better be dead, because if not, I'll surely want to do that to them."-I muttered, not really being serious, of course...I think.

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