13 - The Blue Spirit

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Reader's P

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Reader's P.O.V.

You all had finally made it.

The storm was over.

But you lost the Avatar's trail again.
You could feel Zuko's hopelessness and rage building up.

Recently, you had updated your log and kept it under your bed.

No one knew about it, but no one needed to.
You were now with Zuko and Lieutenant Jee in the bridge, looking over a map.

"We haven't been able to pick up the Avatar's trail since the storm. But, if we continue heading northeast — "

The Lieutenant was cut off as the light from outside was blocked by an enormous shadow.
"What is that?" You ask.

You looked outside to the window and saw it.
Another Fire Navy ship, a massive hulking thing, passing you, headed the opposite direction.

Everyone on Zuko's bridge stared in awe at it.
Iroh glanced over the three of you, temporarily leaving his game of Pai Sho.

"What do they want?" Zuko asked.
"Perhaps a sporting game of Pai Sho!"
"I seriously doubt that, General Iroh sir."

Soon, the Herald and some of the other ship's soldiers board onto your deck.
"The hunt for the Avatar has been given prime importance. All information regarding the Avatar must be reported directly to Admiral Zhao."

Iroh made a move on the Pai Sho board.
"Zhao has been promoted? Well, good for him!"
"I've got nothing to report to Zhao. Now get off my ship and let us pass."

"Admiral Zhao is not allowing ships in or out of this area."
Zuko angrily shouted "Off my ship!"
They finally left.
You worriedly glance at Zuko.

He looked crushed.

Zuko had left a little earlier to practice his firebending on the outer deck. You watched him practice back on the bridge, but you thought it might be time to talk.

You stepped into the chilling evening air and quickly walked over.

"Hey... Prince Zuko?" You called.
Upon hearing your voice, Zuko stopped as to not accidentally burn you.

"Is everything okay? It's been almost an hour and you haven't given the men or me an order."
"I don't care what they do." He mumbled, looking out into the sea.

You still didn't entirely know where you stood allegiance-wise when it came to kidnapping who you now considered as friends.

But you did know that you'd still be there for Zuko, so you encouraged him.

"Prince Zuko, please don't give up hope yet. You can still find the Avatar before Zhao."
Zuko turned to you with a look of desperation and fear on his face. You immediately come closer and rest a hand on his shoulder.

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