Chapter 7

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Three hours have passed and I still sit there, in front of the large window in my bedroom. Nearly three quarters of the bottle of vodka is gone. Yet I don't feel anything, must be that enhanced metabolism.

Bucky has come back twice. Each time there was an hour in between the visits outside my door, so he must be on his way for his third visit.

As if on cue I hear the familiar footsteps and then the knock on my door is heard.

"Sophia, could you please open the door?" he waits for a reaction and when he doesn't hear anything he speaks up again.

"I want you to know that I am here for you. I'll leave you alone for now but please remember that." I stand up and walk to the door at the exact moment I hear him get ready to leave. I open the door and turn around to go back to my previous position. I hear him stop in his tracks and turn around to the now open door. I hear him let out a relieved sigh, I hear the door open a little bit further and then close. Before I know it he is sitting next to me and pulling me into a comfortable side hug. I turn to look at him.

"I'm sorry" I say and turn my head so it is now nestled in the crook of his neck. He pulls me onto his lap and holds me tight.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, doll. Nothing at all." He kisses the top of my head and proceeds to hold me even tighter. I cry into his shoulder, I let out all of the tears I have been holding in the past three hours.

" Thank you for being here even though I made it hard for you.." I say, letting out a small sob.

"I will always be here for you. Always." He grabs my chin between his pointer finger and thumb and moves my head so I am now looking at him.

"Thank you" A few more tears stream down my face. Bucky wipes them away with his thumb.

"No need to say thank you, my love" He kisses my forehead.

He looks at me for a bit before I lean in to kiss him. As soon as my lips landed on his he kisses me back. Our lips move in sync to each other, and after a few minutes we pull apart. His forehead against mine, I feel his hot breath against my lips.

"Are you hungry? You haven't eaten much today." He asks me, a sudden wave of concern flashing across his face.

"A little bit, yeah." I say, turning my head to look out the window again. Looking out over New York once more. Thinking.

Bucky notices my mind going back to all the bad things that happened today and he quickly makes sure to take my mind elsewhere. Happier thoughts.

"Let's go get something to eat, doll. Maybe after we can watch a movie?" He offers, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, let's do that." My voice is small and broken, but the for the first time in three hours the smile on my face is a real one.

He stands up, taking me with him as I was sitting on his lap and he was holding me. He carefully puts me back down so I am now standing in front of him. He places his hand on my face and leans in to kiss me. I kiss back and a few seconds later we pull apart.

He grabs my hand, we walk out of my room and into the kitchen. Thank goodness no one is in here, I am not ready to talk to someone other than Bucky just yet.

"What would you like to eat?" Bucky lets go of my hand and turns to the fridge, "I could make you some eggs? Or maybe a sandwich?"

"A sandwich sounds good." I softly say and take a seat at the bar, the sleeves of my hoodie pulled over the palms of my hands as sweater paws, "could I have a ham and cheese one?"

"Of course, anything for you. Would you like a drink? Maybe some juice or a soda?" He asks, turning around to look at me.

"Some apple juice would be nice" I send him a small smile.

"Then that is what you shall have" After he grabs the apple juice, ham and cheese from the fridge and the bread from the cupboard next to it, he walks over to the counter and places everything down. He grabs two glasses from the cupboard above the counter and fills them up with apple juice. He grabs two plates from a different cupboard and starts making two ham and cheese sandwiches. When he is finished he places all the ingredients back in their designated places and walks over to me holding to glasses filled with apple juice. He places the glasses on the bar, walks back to grab the sandwiches and takes a seat next to me. He hands me my sandwich and turns his chair so he is now facing me. I do the same.

"Thank you, love" I say and take a bite of the sandwich.

"Of course," He smiles and takes a sip of the apple juice, "do you want to finish your sandwich and apple juice while watching a movie?"

"Yeah, let's do that," I stand up and pick up my plate and glass, Bucky does the same, "are you okay with watching a Disney movie? Like tangled."

"We can watch whatever you want to, and yes I want to watch tangled." He ends his sentence with a small laugh.

We go the common room and turn on the movie. I snuggle into Bucky's side and he kisses the top of my head. After a couple of minutes I move to take a sip of my drink and then I snuggle back into his side. Half an hour passes and I slowly drift to sleep in Bucky's arms.

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