Chapter 3

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"FRI tell everyone to gather in the common room." Dad said to the AI that runs the building.

We walked into the tower and to the common room. I looked over my shoulder and saw Peter and Harley walking hand in hand and Emily still being held by Harley. I looked next to me and saw Bucky smiling at me and I smiled back. We were holding hands as well. By the time I looked ahead again we were nearing the common room. Apparently we had been in an elevator, I hadn't noticed at all.

"Hey Tones, why did you ask us to-" I heard a woman say, but I didn't see her face yet because dad's head was blocking my view.

"Tony, who are these people?" I heard the same woman ask. I still couldn't see her because dad's head was still blocking my view.

"Are thos- Peter? Sophia?" I heard a man say and the voice sounded familiar. Pete and I both looked around dad only to be greeted by our uncle Bruce.

"UNCLE BRUCE!!" We both yelled and ran up to him. We engulfed him in a hug and he hugged us back. that's when my eyes fell on two more familiar faces. I pulled back and walked over to my other uncle and my aunt.

"Uncle Clint? Aunt Pepper?" I asked and they both looked at me, then at Pete, at each other and back at me. They nodded and both gave me a hug. I hugged them back and soon Pete joined the hug.

"I'm sorry, can anyone tell me what the fuck is going on here?" I heard a man ask.

"Language" I heard Cap mumble and I chuckled.

"Well everyone, I think you should sit down.." Mum said and she walked up to Peter and me with dad.

"These are our twins. Peter and Sophia Stark and their uncles and aunt, Rhodey, Clint, Bruce and Pepper. They got kidnapped by Hydra twelve years ago." Dad said with a bright smile on his face.

Before they all started talking and shouting, the man from before asked Dad something.

"Ok ok, but who are the other three?" He had a questioning look on his face.

"Quite frankly, I'm not sure myself yet." Dad said with a chuckle.

"These are our friends. The people who helped us not give up hope." Peter said and he smiled at me.

They walked up to us and I introduced them.

"These are Emily," I gave her small hand a little squeeze and continued, "Bucky," I held his hand and smiled at him, "and the crackhead of our group, Harley." I stuck out my tongue and Harley did the same. We both ended up laughing. Which resulted in pretty much everyone laughing.

"Wait, Bucky? So Steve is-" The man whose name I learned to be Sam got cut off by Steve with a 'Yes' and a sharp look.

After that everyone introduced themselves and mum showed us to our bedrooms, where we could freshen up a bit. The rooms ended up being five rooms in the same hallway. Me being in the middle of one side, Bucky's room on my left, Emily's on my right, Peter's right in front of mine on the other side and Harley's on the left next to Peter's. The one on Peter's left was a guest room. The rooms were enormous. They all had a big bathroom and a walk in closet.

When I walked into the closet I saw all kinds of clothes. I picked out a pair of black high waisted ripped jeans, a white Champion hoodie and some white socks. I also grabbed a towel and took a shower. I put on the clothes and put my hair in a messy bun. When I finished I walked to Bucky's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in" I heard him say in a soft voice.

"Hey Buck." I walked into the room and saw him sitting on the bed.

"Oh hey Love" I once again blushed at the name.

"You're cute when you do that" he said with a smirk.

"Why haven't you changed into different clothes?" I asked trying to avoid the subject.

"Too many choices. I'm not good with choices. You know that." He said and gave me a small smile.

"I'll choose for you, if that's ok with you?" I asked just to make sure and he nodded.

I walked into his closet and once again saw a lot of clothes. I chose some black jeans and a navy Champion hoodie. I walked back out and handed him the clothes. I then pointed him to the bathroom and he smiled at me.

"Thanks, beautiful" he said and I chuckled.

"Anytime, handsome" he smirked at me and I laughed and closed the door.


We were currently having dinner and it was the first time in years that we'd had a good meal. And with my and Pete's enhanced metabolism, we of course were one of the people who ate a lot of pizza.

After dinner we watched some movies and at around 2:30 AM everyone except, Peter, Harley, Bucky and me were asleep. Em had been put to bed after the first movie, because she had fallen asleep. We all looked at each other and snuck out of the room and into the kitchen. Where we were talking until around 4:30 AM when we went to our rooms and to bed.


It was currently 5:45 AM and I still wasn't asleep. I snuck out of my room and saw Harley entering Peter's room, I chuckled and walked to Bucky's room. I knocked on the door and heard a soft 'come in'. I walked in and saw Bucky sitting in bed.

"Still couldn't sleep?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Do you mind?" I asked as I walked up to him.

"Not at all. Hop in." he said and I did as told. I put my head on his chest and he kissed the top of my head.

We talked for another hour and then we both fell asleep at 6:50 AM.

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