Chapter Nineteen

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The Alpha took Joel outside, closing the door behind them before speaking with his son. None of us could hear our leaders quiet words, only watch their hard expressions, the movement of their lips quick and unreadable. The Alpha was troubled deeply, his furrowed brow revealed this truth. My father started to pace uncertainly, he seemed... confused and unsure. I looked around at my friends, my mother, but their expressions appeared as clueless as I felt. We were frozen in our seats, waiting upon the verdict of an unknown crime.

"Mom, are either of them speaking with you? Do you know..?"

"No, they have both shut me out. I am as blind as you are."

I turned my attention back to the door, where my father finally nodded his head, decided. Joel turned away from us, heading back to the barbecue as if nothing were wrong. Dad followed him soon after, approaching his Betas with a jovial grin upon his face. Upon looking at Moms face, I noticed her eyes were unfocused, she was in contact with someone.

"Your father says you are to remain here until he returns. Girls," she looked at Emily and Mel each in turn, "you are to leave now. Act naturally, take as many of the pack with you as you can."

They both stood, almost robotically. "Yes Luna," They responded in unison, before exiting the house. It was freaky, like she'd ordered them without using that Alpha tone.

My mother looked over at me, blank-faced and unfeeling. Right now she wasn't my mother, she was my Luna. I had no choice but to sit and wait.

Something is wrong, Yang whispered softly.

I wouldn't have guessed, I responded dryly.

We need to find out what's going on here, this feels off. My fur is standing on end.

You don't even have fur right now.

Could you not be snippy right now? We need to figure this thing out. Our father is clearly distressed by something. Think, what could it be?

Could it be Hunters? We- I've had no contact with them in some time. They might be looking-

No, that's not it. If the Hunters were near we would have smelt them.

Then what?

I... I don't know... She sounded so lost, so defeated. I'd known her for such a short time but this seemed out of character for her. I waited, fidgeting.

Looking back up at the back doors, I noticed Joel disappearing out of sight as he headed towards the tables. Already the numbers outside had dropped dramatically. It didn't seem as though an order had gone out so it just went to show the strength and loyalty of this pack. They knew their Alpha so well, they knew when something was amiss and their presence was no longer wanted. The Alpha opened the large back doors and for a moment the chatter from outside fills the room. He slid through quickly, shutting out the sound of the party with severe haste. The room fell immediately silent.

The Alpha strode confidently across the room, his aura of strength and power following him with every step. He took his seat beside his Luna and remains formal, straight backed and silent, like a King presiding as judge over his court. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat across from them. The white coffee table between us seemed such a flimsy shield between them. My father didn't look angry but I could feel this rage rolling off him in waves. If I knew him better I would have known it was rage at himself, a rage that comes with the stress of being unsure.

It was a long time before anyone said anything. Every time I'd tried to speak I just felt like I couldn't. It wasn't an order holding me back, it was just this silence, it felt like a crime to break it. It was as though I'd suddenly lost my voice and it took every ounce of willpower I had to even say a single word.

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