Chapter Eleven [In Editing]

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Haha, posting Chapter 12 on my last day of Yr 12... there's something in this. Anyway, back to the story...

EDIT: ^that was written when this chapter was first posted and it was indeed chapter 12. With recent editing it has now become chapter 11.

Friday flew by so quickly, I'd barely had any time to register that it had arrived and by Saturday morning, I was finished unpacking all my stuff. Lucy and the Alpha gave me a room on the third floor.

"This is where the members of the Alpha family live. We also house high ranking members of other packs here when they visit." The Alpha told me.

I should explain. It's a three storey house with a set out like this: on the first floor is the kitchen, study, formal and informal dining rooms and formal lounge room. On the second floor is a massive rumpus room in one wing and a multitude of empty bedrooms in the other. The third floor houses the Alpha family, with a few spare bedrooms. At the top of the stairs to the left is the Alpha-pairs bedroom and two other rooms. To to the right is the rest of the upper level, containing a grand total of seven spare rooms plus my own and Joel's rooms.

My room was insanely large, almost thrice the size of my old room at my parents house. Inside to the left was a currently neutral feature wall. I wasn't sure if I should paint it purple or blue yet. Or maybe green. Sitting dead centre in the wall was a massive queen sized double bed (also currently sporting a neutral beige and white bed setting) of styled white wood with carved roses. On either side of the wooden bed was a white wooden table and out again were two different doors. The door on the left lead to the massive bathroom and the right was a walk-in wardrobe. There was also a white desk, bookshelf and frameless mirror on the opposite wall to the bed. Across from the door were massive French double doors that lead to a small balcony overlooking the forest. All in all, it's absolutely wonderful.

At least until I was woken at 7 on Saturday morning by Mel and Emily. Emily was another she-wolf. She apparently joined the pack early last year back after she was bullied close to death by her previous pack. It surprised me how open she was about it. She's blonde, skinny and absolutely a delight to be around. Though she assured me she wasn't always that way. She's now mated to Paul and couldn't be happier.

"GET UP GIRL!" Mel screamed in my ear. "IT'S SHOPPING DAY!" Both girls squealed and started jumping up and down in delight.

Right. Lucy had told the girls to take me shopping for some new clothes and stuff today. She was even providing an unmetered credit card. I rolled over and glared at my pitiful collection of clothes. Neatly hung and ordered, they didn't even fill along the rack from the wall to where the door cuts off my vision. I sighed. This would be a long day.

"Jess, get your arse out of bed or I will dump this bucket of water on you."

"Alright, alright. I'm up, I'm up." I groaned.

I rolled over, throwing off the covers as Emily pulled open the heavy curtains that hid the balconey doors. I kept my back to them, wrapping my arms around my tummy to try to keep in the warmth a little longer. 

"We have selected appropriate attire for the days events." Mel chirped as Emily carefully displayed them. They'd chosen a pair of denim shorts and a coral-orange button down short-sleeve shirt, pairing them with some grey canvas shoes. I nodded my head in approval and crossed my legs on my bed, carefully being sure to cover my tummy. Sure I'm a werewolf, but I didn't train like these guys seemed to.

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