Chapter Nine [In Editing]

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Reed, why is her fur white? The Luna's mental voice surged through my mind, seemingly unaware the message had reached me.

A smirk twitched upon the corners of my lips as Joels thoughts came next. Shit shit shit! This isn't good. She hasn't accepted us. Why wouldn't she? Why would anyone want to remain a rogue? It just doesn't make any sense. I mean, when I heard about the werewolf that almost exposed us last week I was ready to punish any pack member who dared shift in front of humans. When I heard it was a rogue, I flipped. I was ready to kill it immediately. But then I went to the weekend meeting with dad and I understood. She never knew. Not about us, not about herself. She was clueless.

He felt bad for the poor kid. But he thought she'd be happy to join a pack. He tried to get her to sit with him on Monday, so she could meet some shifters. But Moran hadn't even told her she was being given a pack, so she declined. When he knew she was his sister, he was overjoyed. he had a twin sister and he could hold her, see her, protect her. When she ran away he was so scared, he thought the hunters would go after her again. When she came back he couldn't contain my happiness. But his wolfs - he called him Hunter - anger at her leaving took over. He really regretted speaking so horribly to her. After she was accepted into the pack, Ihey just assumed that when she shifted everyone would see her wolfs true visage.

I blinked furiously, taking myself out of Joel's head for a moment. Some part of my mind was telling me we didn't belong here.  It was foreign and would have scared me had I not been mentally preparing for the fight. I had my orders.

Do not worry, my son. She will learn to trust us and she will be one of us. The Alpha mental voice said.

Then I swear I will do everything in my power to make her feel happy and safe. Joel replied.

It is crucial that you are successful. Her bond with her wolf must be forged.

What do you mean, dad?

Think about it. According to Moran she appears to have shifted prematurely. Rather than at the age of fourteen, she might have shifted when she was eleven. Shifting at such a young age is very dangerous, the fact that she survived is a miracle. But she was a rogue, so-

Shit dad. Does that mean she doesn't have a wolf?

She and her wolf are in a difficult state. Listen to her thoughts. She feels as though she is not right. She is in conflict with her wolf. Though the conflict is more barbaric than for a regular shifter. Her wolf has no name, no personality, no voice. It cannot speak. It has only a lust for blood and pain. It is even now consuming her as she prepares to fight. 

What do we do? Can we stop the fight?

She will need to fight. She won't be able to shift back until her wolf feels the threat is eliminated. I'll need you to work with Hunter. Watch her. If she takes the fight too far you'll need to restrain her. You may be the only one strong enough to.

Dad I-

Son. I know you love her already, but if she endangers our pack it must be done.

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