On the Run

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The boy had been running for hours and his feet had gotten cut up from the floor of the forest. He was exhausted, someone at his age should be as well- he leaned against a tree and took deep breaths. His clothes from the lab always had an odd pattern but it didn't matter now that it was covered in dirt. While running he kept his head up and his eyes forward leaving him to trip or fall over anything at anytime.

His hair had grown long while he stayed at the lab and nearly covered his eyes, it was uncomfortable because loose hairs would stick to his sweating forehead. He glanced back to hear nothing but birds calling to each other and twigs snapping. He carried on for a while longer and finally was stopped at a stream...he stared at it for a while then scooped water up in his palm and took a sip. He smiled and drank more from the small brook.

"You shouldn't do that."

A voice said from behind him, he froze and turned around to see a man as tall as a tree.

"Can you talk?" He was wearing a green robe a green and white stripped head...along with weird looking shaped feet? He had a net of fish slung around his shoulder, he bent down and reached his hand out for the boy to take. The boy took a step back and stood on top of a rock.

"Woah..careful, careful..."

Of course, it was completely normal for him to be skeptical. The only reason he didn't run when he noticed the person was because he wore no armour.

"My name is Phil."

"What is yours?"

The boy watched the man closely, he reached into the fish net and took out a fish. He smiled and held it out for 6208 to take, the boy glanced at the fish then back at the man. He lurched for the food and took it out of his hands, he backed away once more.

"Are you hungry? Do you have a home? A family?" Without a word he took off in a sprint, the slimy fish almost falling out of his grasp whilst he hopped over twigs and rocks. He stopped to catch his breath and was still surrounded by the same old trees and leaves as before. 6208 spotted a tree near by, the leaves nearly touched the ground- so he thought it would be a good place to hide. So he leaned against the bark of the tree and caught his breath.

Hours had passed and the boy had fallen asleep, he was vulnerable and especially with night soon approaching Phil began to feel anxious. His wings were sore and his throat began to hurt from him calling the boy for hours. With guilt and overwhelming shame, Phil decided to fly back to his home for the night.

The Sun rose and the sound of birds chirping and leaves shuffling through the wind was pleasant. In fact, Wilbur would usually be either singing songs on his way back to his home or listening to the earth around him. It was calming and helped him distract himself from whatever problems he seemed to be facing. He finally saw the small stones leading to a small cottage which he called his home, he hummed a melody to himself, he began shuffling through his bag for his key when he looked at the partly open door.

"Huh?" He let go of his key and drew his blade instead, he slowly approached the door and continued to be alert.

"Phil? Anyone here?"

He heard rummaging from the kitchen so he held his breath, swallowed his fear, and tipped toed his way over. He peeled his head around the corner to see a red tail with a point at the end.

"Phil?" He jumped out from behind the wall and watched the creature scurry away, he ran through the door and out to the front yard. Wilbur followed gripping his blade and shouting insults.

"Son of bitch!" He caught up to the creature and picked it up, he span it around and saw the face of a boy. It was frightened and their lips were quivering, almost like he was cold, he flailed his arms and kicked his legs. Unamused and annoyed Wilbur held the boy by his arm and set him to the ground, the boy bit, kicked, screamed, but still ended up facing that same blonde man as before.

"You could've cleaned him up a bit?"

"Really? He bites." Wilbur rolled his eyes wrapping up his hands and legs with bandages. 6208 had stains of different snacks and some random drinks on his small blue and white gown, and along his face as well.

"Why don't you just go lay down?"

"I was going to anyway." Wilbur got up and glanced back at the boy for a moment before closing his bedroom door behind him. Phil scratched his jaw and paced back and forth, 6208 watched his legs dangle off the edge of the sofa. He squeezed the leather and lifted his leg up slightly, then he would let it fall and wobble for a moment as it tried to be still once more.

"Are you listening?" Phil was now in front of the boy with his arms folded, 6208 looked up at the man and got to his feet. The boy puffed his chest and let out a shaky breath before running as fast as his tiny legs could go. 6208 made his way to the door then got scooped up just as he was about to jump up and reach the handle.

"You can't run off again."

Phil dropped the boy on the couch and sat on top of a small coffee table, he folded his arms and began thinking of what he should do. He went off to the kitchen and started rummaging through cupboards and such. When he came back 6208 was right where he left him and staring at his hands,

"You must be hungry." Phil set down a plate and a glass of water.

"Eat first, then we can talk."

The boy glanced at the food then back at Phil, he grinned and lunged at the food.

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