Luz X Zombie!NB!Reader [Found]

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( 1046 words)

Third Person POV

How long had they been here now, days, weeks, could even be months by now. (Y/n) didn't remember, they had lost count a long time ago.

The graveyard was covered in a thick fog, making it seem like dusk at all hours a day. The last time anyone had visited was when a witch using dark magic accidently resurrected (Y/n) from the dead.

The witch ran away, leaving the zombie of an individual who once was, with only one reference of who they were before their death, a name, (Y/n), etched into a gravestone.

Zombies on the boiling isles became a rare occurrence after Emperor Belos introduced the zombie accountability law.

Essentially witches would resurrect zombies for the purposes of committing crimes for them, and before the law was in place, they could not be held accountable for it.

now with the law, anything illegal a zombie does can be held accountable to the one who resurrected them, which drove criminal witches to other means of committing crimes, leaving resurrection largely in the pasts.

Another reason why resurrection has almost halted to a stop is the morals behind it. Zombies only remember one thing upon resurrection, and it's how they died, If you were to bring back someone who had a horrific death, that would be their only memory, and would obviously be traumatizing.

There's also the case of consent, most witches would just go to the graveyard and pick a random dead witch to resurrect, there would be only a few cases of consent, where in the dead witch had written it in their will.

(Y/n) was one of those unfortunate cases of an incredibly traumatic death, everyday they would relive their last moments where someone, who was seemingly close to (Y/n), axed them to death, it was a slow and brutal murder, dying of blood loss.

Despite their circumstance (Y/n) made the best of what was given to them, cleaning up the old abandoned graveyard and paying their respect to the dead. Their own grave had a flower growing from it, the color of it would change seemingly on random, but the most common color it carried was blue.

the sound of rustling leaves alerted (Y/n), while it wasn't uncommon for small demons to come by, the steps sounded much heavier and like they were wearing footwear. A girl, approximately the same age as (Y/n) stepped into view from the thick fog, the two made eye contact, clearly surprised by the others presence.

"Oh! hi sorry I didn't think there would be anyone here" The girl said. "I'm Luz, Luz Noceda, what's your name!"

(Y/n) didn't answer, they had never actually spoken before, and was weary of Luz, not knowing why she would be looking for the abandoned graveyard.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" Luz apologized, however (Y/n) didn't say anything still. "Oh you can't talk, can you"

They didn't respond, just staring blankly at the girl before turning back to their grave. (Y/n) started cleaning up again, as if she wasn't even there. Luz walked over to them, noticing the flower which had just changed its color to a deep maroon.

"Oh that's the flower I've been looking for!" She said excitedly, reaching her hand out to take it.

"Don't" (Y/n) finally said, grabbing Luz's hand to prevent her from touching their flower.

"You can talk!" Luz said. (Y/n) let go of her hand, as her attention turned somewhere else.

"(Y-y/n)" They stuttered, not being used to talking yet again. "M-my names (Y-y/n)"

"Hi (Y/n)..." Luz said, not knowing how to respond. "sooo... are you like a zombie?"

"Y-yes" They continued to stutter, trying to get a hang of talking still "S-sorry i haven't talked in a-awhile"

"No worries"

"W-what year is it?" (Y/n) asked, looking at their grave, the year of death said 1999

"Oh, it's 2020" Luz answered. "Or at least it was in the human world last i was there, not sure how years work in the boiling isles"

"You're human?" The more (Y/n) spoke the better they got at pronunciation.

"Yup, got myself some beautiful round ears" She said, giving her ears a small flick.

"What's the human world like?" They continued to ask questions, happy to finally have someone to talk to and learn about the world from.

"Compared to the boiling isles it's really tame and nowhere near as dangerous, or at least not in Connecticut" She explained, thinking back to her simpler life. "But I do miss it alot, my way home was destroyed"

"That's why you need my flower, isn't it" (Y/n) said boldly.

"Yes, it's a rare ingredient for the portal" She said. "But I can see it's important to you, so I'll just find another one"

"you... you can have it" they said, digging the flower's roots up to give it to her.

"Really!?" Luz said excitedly, bringing in the zombie for a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!!!"

"On one condition" (Y/n) said, making Luz pull away, nervous for what it could be. "I want to go to the human world with you"

"Huh, why is that?" she asked, surprised.

"I've.. you see...." They were struggling to find the right words, tearing up from the traumatic events flooding back. "I lost most of my memories upon death, but from what I remember I do not want to stay here"

"Hey it's okay you don't have to explain" Luz said, bringing her hand over and wiping away their tears. "Of course you can come with me, although i won't have a portal for some time, do you want to come back to the owl house until then?"

"The owl house?" they said, confused.

"Yeah! I stay there with Eda and King, they take care of me while I'm stuck here on the boiling isles" She explained while packing the flower and its roots carefully into a bag. "Kinda like an adoptive family if you think about it"

"Are you sure I'm welcome there?" (Y/n) asked.

"Of course you are!" Luz said, reaching out her hand for (Y/n) to take.

"Then I would love to" they said, grabbing her hand and walking out of the graveyard with her. "I'm glad that you found me"

"I'm glad I found you too"

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