Golden Guard / Hunter X Human!M!Reader [Lies]

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Third Person POV

In a secluded area of the forest next to the owl house, Luz was practicing her glyphs while her best friend sat at the side, texting his friend.

(Y/n) met this friend, Hunter, way back when he first arrived, but could only keep in touch by texting, he was never told why, but that didn't matter to the boy.

Luz however knew what exactly hunter was doing, she had connected the dots after the palisman incident when the golden guard had told her his name, hunter. However she didn't have the heart to tell her best friend, and was also secretly hoping that he would turn out good in the end.

"(Y/n) put down your phone and practice with me" Luz complained, looking over at her distracted friend. "Texting won't make you better at magic"

"But luzzz, hunter has time to text for once during the day" (Y/n) whined, continuing to text his friend. "I don't have to stay up as late tonight"

"What will you do" She activated an ice glyph to point it directly at her friend's face, making him look away from his phone.. "When the emperor's coven ambushes you"

"I'll say no, they can't take me without consent" He said jokingly.

"I'm being serious (Y/n)" Luz said, obviously upset at her friend's reaction to such a serious situation. "What will you do when me, Eda and our friends can't help you"

"Luz.." (Y/n) sighed, even though they were best friends, he didn't tell her everything. "Ever since we got stuck here I've been feeling kinda depressed"


"I miss my friends back at home" He said, starting to cry. "I miss my family..."

Despite tears streaming down (Y/n) face he was very aware of his surroundings, which is why when luz stepped forward he saw a magic trap active and pushed her out of the way, making him the victim to it instead.

"(Y/n)!" Luz screamed out, searching for any glyph to try and free her friend before realizing she used them all up training. "I'm gonna go get Eda!"

The boy was enclosed in complete darkness, he pulled out a light glyph, activating it to be able to see what he was doing.

First he tried the ice glyph, it broke upon impact of the material holding him captive. Next he tried the plant glyph, it again failed to do any damage to the cage. last he used the fire glyph, all it did was leave a black mark.

His magic was too weak to do anything, so instead of wasting his last few glyphs he waited for Eda and Luz.

"C'mon it can't take that long'' everything started to shake, making (Y/n) fall onto the ground, the enclosed cage had been lifted and started to move like it was on a wagon. "What the-"

"The plan worked my liege, we captured the human" Kikimoras voice could be heard by the boy, however any sound from the device she was using couldn't be heard.


The wagon had finally stopped moving, making flesh like tentacles grab and restrain (Y/n) before the enclosed cage was removed. Before him were Emperor Belos alongside his protégé golden guard, and next to the boy stood kikimora

"This is the wrong human Kikimora" Belos' voice boomed, filling the entire room.

"You didn't specify which human-"

"I expected better from you" He cut her off, clearly angry at the lackluster performance. "I need you to get rid of him"

"In what way Belos" The golden guard asked, worried for the human.

"Feed him to a demon" He said. "I don't want him to be able to intervene anymore"


"Do it now!" Belos slammed his hand into the wall, creating a hole.

The golden guard walked towards the doors, using magic from his staff to drag along the wagon. After five minutes of walking the wagon stopped, they now stood in front of a closed door.

"This is not how I imagined I would die" (Y/n) commented, uncomfortable in his situation.

"You're not going to die" The golden guard said.

"What?" When (Y/n) looked over at his captor they had removed their mask, behind it was the familiar face of his friend he had met way back when he first got to the isles. "H-hunter?!"

"I'm sorry (Y/n) I should have told you sooner" He apologized, using the staff to untie his friend. "I was just so afraid of how you might react"

"This is for lying to me" (Y/n) said, slapping Hunter's face before giving him a giant hug. "And this is for everything else"

"You're not mad?" he asked, surprised by the reaction.

"Of course I'm mad! you've been working for Belos all this time without telling me!" (Y/n) said, putting his hand on his shoulder. "But what you're doing now is what matters"

"Thank you" Hunter went in for another hug, it was a little bit longer than the last.

"Don't thank me yet, I still need to get out of here alive" The boy said, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Oh yeah, that part" "Here, he'll make sure you get back safely"

"What about you Hunter?" He asked worriedly, as he sat on the staff.

"What about me?" He said, knowing full well what he meant.

"When Emperor Belos finds out I'm not dead what will happen to you" (Y/n) continued.

"I'll be fine" He said, looking down at the ground, knowing that his lie was obvious.

"From the looks of those scars on your face, you won't be fine" (Y/n) had his hands cupped on his cheeks, giving his face scar a little rub before letting go. "Why don't you come with me, you won't have to be the golden guard anymore, you can be yourself with Eda, Luz and i"

(Y/n) reached out his hand for Hunter to take, he was reluctant at first to take his hand, but when he did he held a firm grip, hopping on the palisman with him.

The words 'I know what you're doing' could be heard from every direction, as if Belos was in the room with them.

"Lets go" Hunter said, making the palisman fly away out the window, his artificial staff left behind, signifying a new start for him.

They quickly made their way back to the owl house, luckily no one had followed them, (Y/n) walked towards the door, Hooty saying hello to him before opening.

"(Y/n) you're okay!" Luz yelled excitedly, jumping over to give him a big hug. "When i got back with Eda you were gone, we were so worried"

"Yeah I was brought to Emperor Belos, luckily I got help from a friend" he stepped aside to reveal Hunter, he was giving a small wave. "We were kinda hoping he could stay here for awhile, he isn't exactly welcome back at the castle"

"Sure kid, but he's your responsibility"

"Thank you so much Eda!" (Y/n) gave Eda a big hug before letting go, looking back at his friend. "C'mon lets setup a bed for you in my room"

(Y/n) Grabbed Hunter's hand, running off and into his room, leaving Luz and Eda alone.

"I'll give it a month and they are a couple" Eda joked.

"Ha! it'll only take two weeks with a little help from matchmaker Luz" Luz said, making finger guns at Eda.

"WE CAN STILL HEAR YOU!" (Y/n) screamed at them from his room.

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