Edric X Trans!M!Reader [Home Is Where The Heart Is]

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(DD/N) = Deadname

Trigger Warning


Third Person POV

It was Monday again in Bonesborough, for most Hexside students it meant dread, having to go back to school compared to a free weekend where you could do whatever you wanted, however for (Y/n) it was a relief.

The young transgender boy didn't have supportive parents, the only time he was free of them and their judgement was at school, it was also the only time he could hangout with his friends, Edric and Emira.

"Hey (Y/n) over here!" The voice of Edric pulled the boy out of his mind. Before walking over to his eager friend and his sister (Y/n) used an illusion spell on himself, it helped with his dysphoria as it flattened his chest.

"Hey Ed, hey Em!" (Y/n) said, walking towards his friends.

"You look good today" Edric complimented when (Y/n) came over.

"I look the same everyday" Edric winked at (Y/n), his face turning. It was obvious to anyone who knew the boy that he had a crush on the Blight boy, however due to how much of a flirt he is (Y/n) never had the courage to ask him out.

"So how did your test go last week?" Emira asked, ignoring her brother's terrible flirting. 

"Well I was using a good bit of my energy on, you know, so I failed, horribly" (Y/n) said, keeping a joking tone, being around his two friends always made him feel better. "So my parents started threatening to send me back to Glandus, again"

"That's rough" Emira said, but before she could console her friend more, her brother interrupted her.

"But hey you're with us now, let's skip class, I want to show you some new spells I can do" The three started walking away from school and towards the town of Bonesborough, however while at the outskirts of the town the group was interrupted

"(DD/n) is that you?" The booming voice of (Y/n) mom interrupted the fun the three were having. "What are you doing skipping classes?! And are you wasting your magic again?"

"M-mom?!" The boy was panicking, quickly removing the illusion spell that made him feel more comfortable. "I-I can explain"

"No that's it young lady, I've had it with your lies, I'm taking you back home and transferring you back to Glandus" (Y/n) took a hold of his arm, gripping it tight to send a message, he was in big trouble.

"Mom please" The boy begged, his arm hurting from the pressure.

"Zip it (DD/n), it's clear that these two troublemakers are a bad influence on you-"

"We treat him with respect," Edric continued.

"We take care of him when you refuse to" Emira added.

"At the very least, I love him more than you ever have" Edric said, pouring out his true emotions for his friend.

"See this is what I'm talking about, the disrespect from the youth these days" (Y/n) mom said, disregarding his friends. "c'mon (DD/n) lets go"

"No" He said, standing still in place.

"What did you just say!?" his mom screeched.

"I said no!" (Y/n) pulled his arm away from his mom's grip, walking in between his mom and his friends, finally having the courage to stand up for himself. "Edric and Emira are the best thing that has ever happened to me and i won't let you take that away from me"

"Just wait until your dad hears about this" His mom was embarrassed, never before had her son stood up for himself like that, she angrily stomped away, leaving the three alone. (Y/n) started falling over, overwhelmed from standing up for himself.

"Whoa hold on (Y/n), can't have you passing out on us just yet" Edric said, catching him before he fell on the ground

"Did you mean what you said?" (Y/n) asked, gaining his footing and standing up without support. "about loving me more than my parents"

"Of course I do cutie, I thought it was obvious I liked you, I'm always flirting with you" Edric responded, bringing him in for a hug.

"You flirt with everyone" the boy said, hiding his face in his chest.

"Oh yeah, I guess I do, maybe I should tone that down and only flirt with you" Edric recognized.

"So does that make us, you know" Edric gave a small peck on (Y/n) lips as an answer to his question. "oh wow"

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