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Dolores.... ☂ 

'Where are you going now?' I follow Five down the mostly empty street as firmen pull into the parking lot of what used to be Meritech Prosthetics. The sirens blare inside my head, reminding me of the time I set fire to Dad's study.

Was it an accident?

No it was not.

'To the library,' He says carelessly. 'I need to think.'

'About what exactly?'

'Why are you coming with me?' Five wheels around. 'You don't need to get involved with this.' 

I scoff. 'If I remember right, I end up dying in the apocalypse trying to save your sorry ass, so you don't get to tell me what I can or can't do-'

Five narrows his eyes, blinking in front of me, and pushing me against the side of the wall. His hands land on either side of my waist, and mine are behind my back.

I'm too stunned to say anything to defend myself, so I just smirk up at him.

'If you wanted an excuse to pin me against a wall, why didn't you just ask?' I tilt my head to the side mockingly. 'Darling.'

Five shakes his head.

'Don't test me today, Y/n.'

'Don't give me a reason to.'

With a huff, he steps away, continuing to walk down the street like nothing even happened.

That bastard.

Five ignores me all the way to the library, stopping briefly to rob a liquor store. I roll my eyes all the way there, making sure he doesn't get himself killed, or arrested. 

What happened to the other Five who actually cared about me? The Five who has a real brain. 

'Five, you need to get a grip,' I say after he's a quarter way through the bottle. 

Five lets out a very undignified burp, tossing his hair back carelessly. 

'You don't get to tell me what to do, Y/n,' He drawls, legs out in front of him. Five takes another long swig, his eyes clouding over slightly. 'The end of the goddamn world is coming.' 

'I know,' I say, slightly more gentle this time. 'But getting drunk in the middle of a public building isn't going to solve that.' 

Five regards me with an unconcerned expression. 'Screw the world. Screw humanity.' He says. 'They can learn to fend for themselves. Me?' He turn his head to the right. 'I'm done trying to solve everyone else's problems. Done.' 

'Well, okay,' I slide into the spot beside him, crossing my legs. He smells like booze and faint cologne, which shouldn't be an attractive smell, but he somehow pulls it off. Five takes several more large gulps, placing the bottle down beside him. 

'The crazy thing is, I thought I was going to die a virgin,' he lets out a small laugh, which is joined by a hiccup. 

I frown. 'Where is this going?' 

'Does that scar still bother you?' He gestures to my leg. 

Hold up. 

I glance down at where the scar is, tilting my leg up. The scar is directly on my inner thigh, a place that is always, and trust me when I say always, covered up by an article of clothing. It would be impossible to see. Unless...

'Five, don't tell me-' I'm afraid to hear the answer. 'In the apocalypse...' 

Five lets out a short laugh, draining the bottle halfheartedly, until it's halfway empty. 

'You're hot.' 

I roll my eyes, despite myself. My cheeks flame as I imagine the crazy shit that must have gone down during the end of the world. If I let Five-

You know what? We aren't going to talk about that. 

'So..' I trail off. 'Did we...' 

Five yawns. 'I already told you.' 

'Told me what?' 

'You're way better than Dolores,' Five slurs. 'I mean, it is not easy to fuck a mannequin, but-' 

'OKAY,' I take the bottle away from him, placing it down. 'Listen Five.' I stare him straight in the eye. 'You are not in your right mind at the moment, so until you sober up, I don't want to hear another word out of you. Understand?' 

Five rolls his eyes. 'You can't tell me what to do. I'm older than you.' 

And with that last statement, he picks the bottle back up and finishes the last half in three gulps. Then, he calmly proceeds to pass out on my lap. 


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