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his name was Dave ☂ 

His final statement resonates around my head for the next passing minutes. He actually loves me? Or loved? Past tense? It didn't sound past-tense when the words came out of his mouth. 

'You..love me?' I ask. 'Five, look at me.' 

For a fifty-eight year old assassin, the look of vulnerability on his face briefly shocks me. I don't think I've ever seen this side of Five before. 

'You want me to say it again?' He raises one eyebrow, a hint of his usual personality re-surfacing again. 

'No. Well, yes. But not right now.' I say hurriedly. 'Why do you act so annoyed around me all the time?' 

Five gives me an urgent look. 'Because we're running out of time.' 

I sigh, blinking. 'Okay. What's next.' 

'We need to look back at my equations.' He says, turning and walking up the steps. 'You coming?' 

My brain is still reeling from his love confession...so, yeah. I'm trying to process this new information as well as dealing with the end of the world in the next few days. On top of that, the world is ending. Did I already mention the end of the world?

'Yeah.' I clear my throat. 'I'm coming.' 

'And for the record, we did...do it, if you were still wondering.' Five gives me a lopsided grin, holding the door open. 



Loud noises coming from Klaus's bedroom draw Five's attention away from his important equations. 

We pause in his doorway, and I peer in to make sure he's not overdosing or something. 

'You okay, Klaus?' I ask quietly, knocking on the side of the door. I don't see the point of that if the door is already open, but apparently it's something you do out of courtesy...

'Yeah.' He answers in a worn out voice, which is way out of character. 'Long night.' 

'More than one by the looks of it,' Five comments. 

Klaus stretches his back out. 'Yep.' 

'Don't remember the dog tags,' Five adds. 

'Yeah..they belonged to a friend,' Klaus stares down at the silver tags hanging from his neck. 

'How bout that new tattoo?' Five raises his eyebrows. 

'What are you doing?'I hiss, bumping Five's arm. 

He gives me a look that plainly says- 'shut up.' 

'You know, I don't totally remember getting it,' Klaus says. 'Like I said, it was a long night.' 

'You did it didn't you,' Five says, with the faintest of sympathy. 


I mean, I'm not one to make assumptions, but I'm pretty sure Klaus is not a virgin. 

'What are you talking about?' Klaus asks. 

'I can recognize the symptoms, Klaus,' Five says calmly. 

'Symptoms of what?' 

Five walks closer. 'Jet lag. Full body itch. The headache that feels like someone shoved a box of cotton up your nose. You gonna tell me about it?' 

'Your pals, when they broke into the house and they couldn't find you, they took me hostage instead.' Klaus explains, looking down at the floor. 

'And in return, you stole their briefcase.' Five nods. 

Klaus shifts his weight. 'Yeah. I thought there was money in it, or I could pawn it, you know, whatever.' He heaves a sigh. 'And then I opened it.'

'And the next thing you knew, you were... where?' Five asks. 'Or should I say when?'

'What difference does it make?' Klaus murmurs. 

'What diff-' Five scoffs. 'Uh...Okay, how long were you gone?'

'Almost a year.'

'Wait, so you're saying he time traveled,' My eyes widen. 'Okay.' 

Klaus laughs weakly. 'Yeah, I'm ten months older now.'

'This isn't a joke,' Five glares. 'Hazel and Cha-Cha will do whatever they can to get the briefcase.'

'Good thing it's gone, then.' Klaus says weakly. 'I destroyed it. Poof.'

'What the hell were you thinking?' Five gasps. 

'Calm down,' I say to deaf ears. 

'What do you care?' Klaus mutters. 

'What do I care?' Five groans. 'I needed it, you moron, so I could get back, and start over.'

I narrow my eyes. 'Start over?' 

Five shoots the shortest of glances at me, and Klaus turns to leave the room. 

'Where you going?' Five demands. 

'Interrogation's over, just...' Klaus says in a heavily defeated voice. 'Leave.'

'Are you okay?' I frown. 

'You know what, Y/n?' Klaus turns back with a sigh. 'I appreciate your concern, really, but I'm fine.' 

'Sure about that?' I cock my head to the side. 'Because-' 

'I said, stay out of it!' Klaus says, slamming the door. 

Jeez, man. Why you gotta be like that?

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