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☂ i regret it ☂ 

I lift Five off of me, gently leaning him up against the wall. How the hell am I going to get him out of here without anyone noticing?

So much for him being a mature adult. 

'Where are their parents?' Whispers sound from around the corner and I huff, trying to ignore all the stares and hisses of passing customers. A lady comes around the corner carrying a large purse with a little girl at her side. 

'Don't look honey,' The lady covers her daughters eyes, shooting me a disgraceful look. 'You two are an embarrassment to the rest of us.' She glares at me. 

'Yeah, you have a nice day too,' I roll my eyes, slumping back on the wall. Five lets out a tiny snore from beside me. If he wasn't so obnoxious, I would say he looked kind of cute. 

Of course, that would be if he didn't compare Dolores and me during sex. I mean, that's just insulting. Mannequins are inanimate objects, which literally means they can't-

'That wasn't so hard.' Diego and Luther come around the corner. Luther takes one look at Five and raises his eyebrows with surprise. 

'Is he...' 

'Drunk as a skunk,' Diego laughs. 'Wow, Y/n, I thought you would've stopped him.' 

I sigh. 'Trust me, I tried.' 

'Come on, lets get out of here,' Luther says, lifting Five into his arms. 

I leave the empty bottle sitting sadly by itself on the floor. It's responsible for too much humiliation to come with us. 

'Well, we can't go back to the house.' Luther says. 'It's not secure. Those psychopaths
could come back at any moment.'

I nod in agreement, walking silently beside him down the empty alleyway. 

'Thanks,' I say begrudgingly. 'For..helping with this idiot.' 

Luther dips his head curtly. 'It's no problem.' 

'My place is closer.' Diego adds. 'No one will look for him there.' 

Five starts to stir in Luther's arms. He lets out a dry retch, coughing. 

'If you vomit on me...' Luther warns. 

The boy lets out a small laugh. 'You know what's funny?' He sighs loudly. 'I'm going through puberty. Huh. Twice. And I...' Five trails off slowly. 'I drank that whole bottle, didn't I? That's what you do when the world and the girl you love goes bye-bye.' 

'Is he talking about-' Diego and Luther exchange glances. 

'We'll have that conversation later,' I promise, knowing very well I'm never going to speak of this day for as long as I live. 

'-Poof, it's gone.' Five yawns. 'Along with my virginity....' 

'WHAT?' Diego splutters, tripping over flat ground. 

'Not important,' Luther interrupts. 'Two masked intruders attacked the Academy last night. They came looking for you.' He adds. 'So I need you to focus. What do they want?' 

'Hazel and Cha-Cha.' Five groans. 


Five doesn't respond. 'You know, I hate code names.' 

'Ah, the best of the best.' He says finally. 'Except for me, of course.'

'The best of what?' I ask. 

'You know, Delores always said she hated when I drink. She said it made me surly-'

'Hey!' Diego snaps. 

'Hm? Yeah?' Five murmurs. 

'I need you to focus. What do this Hazel and Cha-Cha want? We just wanna protect you.'

'Protect me.' Five scoffs. 'I don't need your protection, Diego. Do you have any idea
how many people I've killed?' He continues on. 'No. I'm the fourth frickin' Horsemen. The apocalypse is coming.' 

Five turns and vomits onto the pavement behind Luther, who cringes, almost dropping Five on his head. 

We reach Diego's 'house' in no time, and Luther seems glad to unceremoniously dump Five on the bed. He begrudgingly pulls the covers up over Five's chest, walking over to the window. 

'If he wasn't such an asshole, I'd say he looks pretty adorable,' Diego comments. 'Don't you think, Y/n?' 

'Don't drag me into this,' I slump down in the chair. 'He compared me to a mannequin,' I complain under my breath. 



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