Final selection and first mission

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Tanjiro was walking to the final selection, he was reading a book that muzan gave to tanjiro as a way to entertain himself at the final selection as well as several small items

First tanjiro had a hidden vial of Muzan's blood just in case if tanjiro were heavily injured or was dying, he also a pack of chocolate in his pocket and a small photo of all the upper moons and muzan with tanjiro

He also had bandages just in case. 1 hour of walking tanjiro saw wisteria flowers and immediately knew he was in the right place as the trees moved to reveal 20 people standing around

Tanjiro stood in the back listening to the two twins speech, after the speech tanjiro along side the other participants were sent out to survive 7 days in the woods

Tanjiro wander around hearing the screams of poor participants who were first to die, tanjiro wander around eating a bit of chocolate as he came across a group of participants surrounded by several demons

Many of them were injured and had lost hope of winning after being surrounded by 27 demons who were drooling at the sight of the fresh meat

"What a catch! We'll be full for months with all 9 of you!"

Tanjiro rolled his eyes as he stepped out of the tree line and unsheathed his sword

"Oi! Mess with someone who can actually fight, cowards!"

Tanjiro yelled catching all of the demons attention as well as the participants

"Who the hell do you think you are?! You really want to get eaten by all of us?!"
"Like any of you weaklings can actually touch me"
"That's it! Get him!"

All the demons ran at tanjiro and the participants group stare in horror as all the demons leap towards tanjiro who looks..............annoyed?

"Moon breathing, third form: loathsome moon"

In a quick motion all the demons were dead and leaving tanjiro surrounded by falling ash, the participants were shock as he moved to quickly for any of them to see as he steps up to the group

"Never let your enemy see your fear, then you are just giving them an advantage. If your going to be in groups then have your fastest draw out demons and bring them to a area where the rest of your group can attack"

Tanjiro then bandages some of them up and dusting off the dirt if a yellow hair teen who cried and hugged tanjiro

"Thank you so much! I thought I was a goner!"
"Your welcome, I gotta go and kill more of those weaklings"

Tanjiro then started to walk away in till one in the group asked tanjiro a question

"Wait! Tell us your name!"

Tanjiro stopped before peaking over his shoulder

"Tanjiro kamodo"

The reason why tanjiro still uses his family name is because muzan doesn't want anyone to know he has connections to muzan and to kept him safe so nobody other then the upper moons know of tanjiro's relation to the demon king

Tanjiro then walked away into the thick forest, after that tanjiro went around killing demons and saving most of participants and bandaging them up and leaving many thanking him for saving them

Tanjiro was on the last day of final selection and was killing two demons with a single slash as they didn't even had the chance to reacted, muzan smiled from the infinity fortress seeing through the eyes of the demons

He smiled proudly as the last thing the demons ever saw was the ground and muzan losing connection, tanjiro was done killing and wiped the blood off his sword with a rag

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