This is where it all ends part 3

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Sorry for the long wait guys, school kept me busy so I apologized for the long wait but I'll be back on posting more chapters

Shinobu cried in her lovers shoulder, first she went through the painful memories of her sisters death then remembering her crushes death in her physically and emotional fight between her and douma

She had tried to use her concealed dagger but douma had snatched it away and broke it, after fighting for a few minutes she found herself getting absorbed but then heard a voice she thought had died

She later remembered everything going dark until she woke up having meet her sister on the other side. Shinobu was frightened by her near death experience and wished to be tanjiro's warm embrace

Years of painful and relieving emotion spilled out as she hit tanjiro's chest over and over, tears of emotions mixed with her near death experience put her into a bad mental state

"Why! Why! WHY! WHY DID YOU DO IT?! W-WHY?!"

Tanjiro wasn't feeling good either, he had just lost his uncle and watch him die in his arms, he was greatly relieved to find Shinobu alive but was grieving and happy all in the same time

"A-am sorry Shinobu! T-they were like m-my family! I couldn't d-do anything!"
"We were your family too! Uzui, sanemi, Inosuke, Zenitsu, aoi, everyone! W-we cared for you t-too!"
"A-am sorry......"

Tanjiro held Shinobu closely, oh how much he missed her scent and loving personality. Properly why he fell for her but now he knows that she loved him and that he loves her

Honestly he wanted to get his family cured and live out the rest of his life with Shinobu, he would have day dreamed more if it wasn't for Shinobu who saw her previously absorbed arm and leg returned

" did I......"
"Shinobu.....I-I didn't have any option were bleeding out and your pulse stopped so I-I...turned you into a demon....."

Shinobu's eyes widen, she had become the very thing she hated and swore to kill but currently in their situation it was not the time to argue as everyone in the infinity fortress were having death battles

"D-don't worry Shinobu I have created a antidote to turn demons back into humans, if your wondering how then I'll explain later because right now we must find everyone"

The two stood up as tanjiro cleared his throat before yelling


In a instant tanjiro and Shinobu found themselves on a platform, on top one of those platforms was Nakime

"Auntie please send me and Shinobu to find our friends!"

Nodding she teleported tanjiro and Shinobu away while blocking her eye sight and focusing her thoughts trying not to let muzan know about the plan

With tanjiro and Shinobu

The two found themselves standing on a pillar, swords clashing was heard as the two turned to the right seeing a giant platform and on that platform was daki and gyutaro looking rage fueled

They two were aggressively fighting mitsuri who struggled to defend herself from the siblings team work, the three fought as mitsuri slowly started losing


Daki yelled as several of her sashes attacked mitsuri who was barely able to block the attacks, behind was gyutaro who had cut mitsuri from behind and used his very poisonous blood and slashes

Tanjiro and Shinobu jumped from pillar to pillar getting closed to the siblings, mitsuri fell on her nees as gyutaro raised his sickle to finish off mitsuri

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