Not so sweet dreams

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Sorry for the late update guys, I was fighting my laziness but I won and have its head on my wall

One of enmu's followers had just tied up tanjiro and and rengoku along side the other passengers, the man was about to enters tanjiro's dream to kill him and everyone else

He entered his dreams to find its blooming with cherry blossom trees, it was sunny day and the man felt warmed

"It's so......comfortable here......."

Then he continued forward, he walked for a few minutes to find a tall mansion with people outside in a garden, he spied on them but he heard the sound of a biwa playing beautifully

He followed the music to see women wearing a white kamino with long black hair blocking him from seeing her eyes, he heard laughter and saw a sight that shocked him

He saw tanjiro with Shinobu sitting next to each other with tanjiro's family sitting on a blanket having a nice picnic but what shock him was who was in tanjiro's dream

He saw the upper moons smiling and laughing together as doma eats a piece of cake whilst laughing with his family. Seeing this the man was thinking about these demons in his head

"What!? This guy has connections to demons?! W-what a minute.........."

The man looked towards the demons and immediately saw the kanji's engraved in their eyes

"W-wait.........u-upper m-moons?! He knows the u-upper moons?!"
"Say, uncle doma! You like the cake?"
"Oh very much, tanjiro! I could just sit here in the warm sun for days on end!"

The man then heard an unfamiliar voice so he followed the voice to see a handsome man with black hair wearing a black kamino smiling

"Hello, master"
"Hay, father"
"Father?! And the upper moons greeted him as master!........s-so he is the s-son o-of m-man who c-controls these d-demons?........I- I can't kill him! They'll kill me!"
"Ehh? Hold on father, I got to go"

Then the man felt a hard punch across his face making him stumble to the ground, he looked up to see tanjiro with a pissed off face clearly saying 'I'll fucking kill you'

"You dare make a false dream of my family? You dare lie to me to make me believe this is real? You'll die a painful death"
"I-I didn't k-know your family w-was the up-upper moons!"
"My father would have ended your life right now if he was here, I'll just kill you myself"

Then he saw tanjiro fade away as then tanjiro wakes up in the real world with a tear going down his face

"That was a beautiful, Shinobu, my family and father........I swear I'll make it a reality and make my family happy!"

Then tanjiro heard groaning to see the man from earlier waking up, hatred courses through his body as he immediately took out his sword and cutting the man's arms, legs, torso and head into bloody pieces

Then scoffing at the bloody mangled corpse, tanjiro untied everyone and started to wake them up before waking up rengoku

"Rengoku! Rengoku! Rengoku!!"
"Ugh......Huh? T-tanjiro?"
"We gotten put to sleep by the demons blood art, lucky I got out of his blood art"
"Hm! Then we'll find this demon and kill him!"

Tanjiro then sniffed the demons scent but to his surprise, the train itself smelled like the demon and tanjiro could smell the scent coming closer

"Rengoku! The demon! It's everywhere!"

Then several tendrils came out the train itself as tanjiro and rengoku get the passengers to safety, rengoku successfully evacuated the passengers but tanjiro fought the tendrils

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