This is where it all ends part 6

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Tanjiro stood inside a large room with Nakime by his side, he was in the room Nakime had placed the demon slayers and the upper moons in a different room

Taking a deep breath tanjiro walked down the large room getting in front of a door, he knew who we're inside so he decided to leave Nakime outside to keep her safe

"Aunt naki stay outside, they won't trust you nor I do for your safety please stay out"

Nodding her head Nakime teleported away while he opened the door, inside lay all the hashira's suffering from different degrees of damages. Shinobu who was tending to the group saw tanjiro


She called out in worry drawing his attention and everybody else's, the hashira seeing the former moon pillar held their swords as tanjiro sniffed the air smelling their worry

He put his arms up and dropped his swords showing his intentions

"Look I know you shouldn't trust me and am in no right to be saying this but please let's not fight while someone of us are injured"
"What do you want?"

Obanai hissed, he along side all the hashira hated seeing the person they trusted now standing in front of them suddenly asking them to trust him


Turning his head tanjiro saw gyomei meditating

"You changed, I can sense it"
"I did....but everyone if your not going to trust my words then trust gyomei's words. I should have died at that waterfall but I live, am using this as a chance to redeem myself for my sins so please believe me"
"You might have saved us from the upper moons but I still don't trust you"

Giyu said staring blankly at tanjiro, Shinobu stood their wanting people to trust tanjiro but it seems like most of her colleagues refuse to believe him after his betrayal

She knew that tanjiro has changed but her colleagues refused to believe him so tanjiro thought of the only logical way for them to believe him

"Alright if you guys won't believe me then I accept my punishment"

Getting on his knees and getting his sword tanjiro turned the blade on himself putting the blade towards his neck, everyone became wide eyed as tanjiro put the blade closer to his neck drawing blood

"It is by the rules of the demon slayer corp that if anyone betrays the corp then they are to be judged, I have already been judged by you guys and since sm the highest rank then by the rules I am to commit soppuku but I am a demon so only way to kill me is...."

Then with a sickening cut his sword was 3 inches in his neck causing tanjiro to violently cough blood and gasp for air


Shinobu cried out attempting to stop tanjiro but obanai and giyu stopped her, she cried and thrashed around trying to get out of the grips of the two hashira's

Tanjiro's vision became blurry and hazy before him as he cut even deeper into his neck, the pain was agonizing for tanjiro and Shinobu. She didn't want to lose the love of her again and tanjiro didn't want to lose her again

"I pray to god this works!"

With a powerful cut tanjiro fully decapitated himself shocking everyone, Shinobu felt tears cover her cheeks. Falling on her knees she wailed as everybody stood in shook

Tanjiro's headless body fell on the floor pooling blood from his neck, everyone was shock as then the blood stopped pouring

"No way....."

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