This is where it all ends part 2

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Tanjiro ran through the infinity fortress, he had to climb jump or jump on top the ceiling to get through the infinity fortress. Tanjiro ran through a long hallway but was attacked by demons who crashed through the walls

Tanjiro easily cut all their heads off while continuing to run

"This demons......their power is that of a lower moon.....father really wanted revenge....."

He ran down the hallway but immediately he heard a biwa play as he was now in a different section of the infinity fortress, he smelled a scent scent he thought he never smell again

Tanjiro turn his head to the right looking seeing Nakime on a tall platform overlooking the section, then a strung of her biwa several demons attacked tanjiro on all sides

Nakime observed the young man who in blinding speeds cut all their heads off in a breathing technique that was beautiful and elegant like a dance but it sent shivers down her spine

Nakime saw the transparent figure of someone who looked like her nephew but older, she immediately went into action and send three structures towards tanjiro who dodged her attack

Nakime send more from all directions and had moved the platforms underneath tanjiro to kill him, tanjiro jumped before the floor could disappear as he jumped off the structure as they all crashed together making a loud boom

Tanjiro sweated as he could have been crushed but immediately he was hit by another structure while in mid air. Tanjiro was pushed against a misplaced structure as the structure slowly begin to crush tanjiro

Despite being a demon tanjiro knew he might die from falling into the void which was right underneath him, he attempted to get out but Nakime slowly out more force causing him to cough blood and breaking several bones

Tanjiro struggle to get out and was slowly going unconscious from a lack of oxygen, tanjiro saw his aunt play a string as it slowly the structure starts crushing him even more

"S-she is not going to........I-I need to........reveal myself!"

Tanjiro pulled his hand out of the structure before he pulls on his mask getting the cloth lose, Nakime then started crushing him as tanjiro threw up blood

Tanjiro yelled as his claw grew and he cut his mask letting the cloth freely fall, Nakime looked towards tanjiro and to her utter shock she saw her nephew. She stopped her assault and stared in shock

Tanjiro used everything in his body to get the words out as he said


Nakime felt her eyes water, she never felt emotion in her life that it surprised her that tanjiro managed to get her to feel emotion that were foreign to her. She cried tears of joy as she summoned a platform

The platform hovered underneath tanjiro who was let go and fell into the platform, the platform was brought to Nakime to coughed her nephew and hugged him tightly

"Tanjiro......y-your alive"

Tanjiro looked up to her aunt and smiled, Nakime gasp seeing tanjiro's eyes were that of his father, tanjiro hugged his aunt who cried into his shoulder

"Tanjiro.....why? W-why didn't you come back t-to us?"
"B-become auntie I-*cough*-I made this...."

Tanjiro pulled out one of his antidotes showing it to his aunt who looked at it in confusion

"Auntie.....this.......this is a antidote to turn demons back into humans.....this is why I didn't come help you guys"

Nakime stared in shock, she looked at the syringe seeing the green liquid inside

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