1. The Boy Next Door!

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"Finally, I'm going to live in peace."

With a happy face, you got down from the taxi after paying for the trip. You stepped front after gesturing the truck laborers to unload your luggage and goods. You watched your newly rented home like a kid. The laborers placed your things one after other. After like an hour, you paid them and closed the door. Your phone rang.

"Not again—"

You rolled your eyes and swiped to answer the call.

"Yeah, mom"

"Why haven't you called me after reaching there? I'm worried."

"Mom, it's been just 2 hours. I thought of calling you after my shower. Can you please stop being over-protective?"

"Y/N, I'm sad now. Is this how you reciprocate our love and care?"

You sighed and said,

"I clearly understand your care and love, mom. Just let me think on my own. I left our home, particularly for that reason. I hope you all have understood that!"

"Of course, we understood you. That's why we agreed on your decision, Y/N. We love you."

Your lips curved up.

"Love y'all—"

Hours passed by. After aligning some of your things in your new home, you freshened up. Even though you are not an expert in cooking, you are definitely not an amateur. You made the dine and settled on the hall.

"Being alone is an awesome feeling. I craved for this silence. I—"

Just then, you frowned on hearing a loud sound. You went to the balcony. Nearby your apartment, you saw a visibly lightening room with thudding music. You closed your ears in annoyance and squinted to view the person in that apartment.

"It seems they are enjoying a party. There must be five people to the least. Should I ask them to lower the noise?"

Of course, that was literally a noise for you. You stood there in utter confusion. But it's not going to be silent unless your action speaks.

The next minute you were standing in front of that apartment. You knocked on the door. You waited for the response. But nothing happened. You sighed and banged the door quite furiously.

"What the heck? Can't they hear a door bang? Aishh—"

You kicked the door and rang the bell without a gap. The door was opened.

"Can't you—"

You were about to shout. But the guy's face didn't let you do that. He was looking at you with a concerned face.

"Who are you?"

Your heart fluttered on hearing his voice. Even though your brain had prepared a debate-like-speech, your heart didn't let you deliver those words. You remained there with widened eyes.

"Hello, at least tell me, whom do you want? Excuse me--"

He tapped your shoulder and there you came to your sense.

"Ahem—mmm—I'm residing nearby your apartment. The noise, I mean the music from your apartment disturbs me a lot. Can you please lower the volume?"

You spoke in a single breathe and waited for his reaction. He chuckled and kept his beer bottle down. He stepped forward and closed the door from outside.

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