5. What a relief!

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You were staring at the sideway of the road while riding the taxi. You were nervous as hell. You kept on clenching your fists to get rid of the nervousness. But nothing seemed to work.

The ride went quite long and then, you were there, in front of that huge skyscraper.

"I shouldn't be scared. He is just a choreographer. I shouldn't overreact."

You consoled yourself while taking the elevator. But your brain overtook and mind voiced back.

"But Y/N, he is a popular guy. He is not just a choreographer. He is a performer and one of the best dancers ever. Even our nation's president knows him very well. How are you gonna interview him without agitation?"

"Oh just shut the damn up, please. We are on his floor. Now, co-operate with me, I beg you."

You patted your shoulders and took a deep breath. You plastered a smile on your face and got out of the elevator. You showed your identity card to the security before entering the room.

"Hello, I'm Y/N from Cine 21. Can I meet Mr. Jung Hoseok? I have an appointment for his interview."

After inquiring the receptionist, you waited for her response. She informed your arrival to the management.

"You may go, Ma'am. That way, please."

You bowed at her and went as directed. You entered an empty room that was more like a practice hall. You glanced around and dropped your jaw.

"Oh my--This is insanely huge. Approximately one can make 100 people dance here."

You sat on a couch and took the recorder from your bag. You heard footsteps and became alerted. You stood and bowed at him.

"Hello, I'm Y/N from Cine 21."

He just nodded and said,

"Give me the script papers and wait until Hoseok arrives."

You stared at him since his voice was not at all pleasing. You frowned and counter back a question.

"Sorry to ask this, but who are you?"

"I'm his manager."

He answered you with a straight face.

You nodded formally and searched for the papers in your bag. You panicked each second of not finding it. You even poked your head inside your bag to get the papers. But unfortunately, nothing good happened.

"How long should I have to wait for you?"

You flinched at his raised voice. Your forehead exposed the sweat pearls and you stammered.

"I f-forgot to bring the script papers, I guess."

You almost cried. The manager looked so done with you. You tried not to ruin the situation.

"But, I can remember the questions well. I—"

"How can you be so irresponsible? We won't allow an interview without scripts. You may leave now."

He yelled and was about to leave. Since it was your dream to interview Jung Hoseok, you didn't want to give up.

"Please, let me interview him. We have been planning this for a long time. It'll become an issue in our company if the program is canceled."

He didn't look convinced.

"We can't violate the rules of our company either. So, leave now. Your appointment has been canceled."

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