3. Healing Therapy

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"What am I going to do after my studies? Am I really capable? Can I even afford things to buy myself? I do wanna pay all my bills. For that, I have to secure a fair job to earn. But, what if every company rejects me? What I even gonna do for that? Aishh--"

After exiting the gate of your university, your mind was frequently flickering these questions. Even though your eyes were seeing the dry leaves on the path while walking, your mind was in other ideas.

You sighed and looked around. You yearned for refreshment. As a park caught your attention, you decided to relax there. After settling on a wooden bench, you swiped your phone and looked for new posts on Instagram.

There, your already weakened heart weakened more. Most of your friends had posted their newly interned snaps from their respective companies. Your lips pouted and you knew, you have nothing to do with.

You quickly logged out and leaned back. You blankly stared at a tree branch for a while. But not for too long. You got disturbed by the rustling of papers in a black diary lying beside. You got irked and looked at it furiously.


You were about to shut the diary. But, you didn't. Your mind ordered you to take a glance at those words. They looked like lyrics. You squinted and started to read.

Same day, same moon

24/7 every moment repeats

My life is in between

Jobless twenty-something are afraid of tomorrow

It's funny, you think anything

is possible when you're a kid

When you feel how hard it is to get through a day

Keep feeling like the

"Control" beat, keep downloading it

Every single day is a repetition of ctrl+c, ctrl+v

You unknowingly smiled while reading those words. You turned the pages to read more.

The hero you've dreamed of since you were young

We used to jump, wanting to be heroes

But now we've grown and time has passed

You're becoming an adult but I want to rewind

To the times when the 10-year-old boy sang the theme song to his favorite superhero comic

I want to go back so I close my eyes and scream

But nothing changes, reality is the same

Your smile grew. You spoke to yourself.

"I don't know why, but these lines are heavily hitting my heart. Am I co-relating the situation?"

You humorlessly chuckled and turned the other page.

The beginning, well was fun I guess

Just the ups and down itself

Before I knew it you and I became tired of each other

Inside this---

You were about to finish the lyric. But you were shocked to see the boots in front of your sight. You gulped and glared up.

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