4. The Busking Boy

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You were walking amidst the crowd. The street was fully packed despite the fact of time. It was mid-night. 12:30 AM! It's so common to be crowded at that hour since it was Seoul.

You were heading towards your home. While holding your laptop bag, you were lost in thoughts. It's a habit of your mind to throw random thoughts at you.

But on that day, it was different.

"Why did I do that? I shouldn't have lost my mind. I should have been in sense."

You were continuously scolding yourself. All of a sudden, you heard a raspy voice and stood still. You slowly searched the direction of the voice. His voice was soothing the people who were listening to his song. His hood caught your attention from distance. You didn't join the crowd as you were not in mood to.

You closed your eyes to enter into the gateway of his soulful voice.

...Never mind, I'll find someone like you

I wish nothing but the best for you, too

"Don't forget me, " I beg

I remember you said

"Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead"

"Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead"

Your eyes shot open on hearing those lyrics. It suited your situation very well. Your heart ached. You didn't hesitate to sit on the platform. Your face was lifeless like never.

After a while, you felt a presence beside you. You quickly turned to see. You gulped on seeing a hoodie guy. You couldn't view his face clearly since his hoodie was there like a barrier. It's an absurd that he stared at you for a while. Being impatient, you yelled at him.

"W-what do you want?"

He smiled but didn't answer you. You frowned on realizing his hoodie.

"You are the boy who busked before, right?"

He nodded and laughed out loud.

"Now, why are you getting angry at me, Y/N?"

Your eyes widened.

"Yah, How do you know my name?"

You shouted at him and stood up. He unveiled his hoodie while holding your hands to make you sit.

"Yah, Taehyung-ah, what are you doing here?"

You eyed at him from head to toe.

"Never mind, that doesn't matter now. First, answer me. Are you okay?"

His tone made you tear up.

"No, I'm not okay."

Your eyes glistened and he clearly noted that.

"You must have loved him so much."

His words made your condition worse. Your tear gland got triggered and so your tears. He patted your head. Without your knowledge, you rested your head on his shoulder.

"Maybe, I was wrong from the beginning. I shouldn't have blindly trusted him. It's all my fault."

"Ssshh—it's not your fault, Y/N. It's his loss. Trust me, you're gonna be with 'your prince' soon. Just cry your heart out. You'll feel better."

He tried his best to calm you down. You stayed at that position where your tears wetted his hoodie. After a while, you quickly straighten yourself. He gave his hanky while looking away. You grabbed it from him and wiped away the tears.

"Kim Taehyung, why are you busking here? Have you quitted the job?"

He giggled while saying,

"Why? Aren't I not fit for that job anymore?"

"No---You are the most skillful photographer in our magazine. After your arrival, our work-load has become quite less as your photographs are enough to deliver the content without our words much."

He laughed out loud to hide his shyness. You silently giggled at his cute behavior.

"So, Taehyung, what about the busking? Are you hiding your busking talent from our company? I have never seen you doing this before."

You playfully hit his arm. He chuckled.

"No. it's just my hobby, nothing more. I love to sing. It's more like a stress-buster."

You nodded at him. Out of nowhere, he grabbed your hands and looked into your eyes. Your heart raced faster than usual.

"Y/N, our whole company knew your love days and of course, your break up too."

You lowered your head. He continued,

"You should stop wasting your time and tears for that punk. I have always liked you for your sweet soul. So, as a friend, just consider my words. Prove to him that you are not dependent on him. Just be happy and smile as before."

You slowly raised your head and looked at him. His eyes held a lot of emotions. Those were of a loyal friend's. You felt bad for not considering his care back then.

"Tae, I just can't change completely overnight. But I'll truly try to be happy.

How can I ignore my friend's words?"

You winked at him where he pinched your cheeks.

"Let's leave. It's late already. C'mon"

There, Y/N held those hands of an angel, who was there by her side, ever.

Author's Note:

Always stay safe and stay happy!!!  Love you, guys!!!!!!!!!!  See y'all on next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happieee readingggg!!!!!

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