6. Secret Savior

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"What?--- Am I hallucinating? Yah--"

You literally shouted at top of your lungs on seeing the e-mail.

"Why are you screeching like this during working hours?"

Your pal Areum slapped your hand playfully. Since your company's atmosphere was more friendly, the others really didn't mind your noise.

"Areum, see here. I got my promotion. Hereafter, I'm no more a staff writer. I'm a news editor. Can you believe this?"

You jumped in joy.

"Of course babo, Your hard work has paid off. Congo Y/Nie and don't forget to give the party."

You nodded at her vigorously. Meanwhile, your phone rang.


"Y/N, come to my cabin. I have to inform you about something."

You grinned and answered your Editor-in-chief. Within a blink of eyes, you were in front of his cabin. You knocked on the door with a huge smile. He looked at you via the glass door.

"Come in, Y/N."

"Hello, sir."

"Y/N, I hope that you received the e-mail from the management."

You grinned and tried to suppress your excitement.

"Congratulations, Y/N. From now on, work harder and I wish you all the best."

"Thank you, sir."

Your excitement was not willing to leave you either. You kept on fiddling your fingers.

"Okay, I have another announcement for you."

You got more cheered and you expectantly gazed at him. He smiled and said.

"Since you are joining the news' editor's team, I'm informing you beforehand. The team leader has been replaced with Mr. Kim Chan-woo."

You nodded at him where he continued.

"Today is his joining date too. So, pack your stuff and get yourself along with your new teammates as soon as possible. I hope that soon you'll get along with your colleagues. And congratulations again."

He smiled and handed over the paperwork while you bowed at him. You were so comfortable with your new colleagues. Everything seemed to be smooth.

Days passed...

"Y/N, have you finished the report. Chan-woo asked you to mail him ASAP."

You nodded at him and requested while working,

"Seokjin, if you don't mind, can you get me a cup of coffee?"


Yes, you had a good bond with your team. Especially with your senior, KIM SEOKJIN. He was an all-sweet guy and yeah, basically your savior since he used to help you at your crucial moments like finishing the project before deadline.

After a while,

Seokjin seemed to be in deep thoughts. You were writing your journal until noticing his space out. You shook and asked him,

"What are you thinking about?"

He came back to senses and smiled at you.

"I think—"

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