7. The Dream Boy

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It's really a miracle to have a happily-ever-after ending in everyone's life. This could probably happen when we hold hand in hand with our beloved dream spouse while starting our journey of life. Everyone is craving and yearning to live such a life and of course, Y/N is not an exception.

Your eyes were widened on seeing the sight. The boy standing in front of you made your cheeks red. He was dangerously close to you. Before closing your eyes, the last thing your heart caught was his bunny smile. It was so addictive and no dilemma in that.

Your mind went blank at his sudden action. All you felt was his soft lips on yours. It was filled with pure love that made your heart flutter. You were hesitant at first but you didn't budge and kissed him back right then. It lasted for a few seconds until a voice interrupted your sweet moment.

"Wake up, Y/N. It's 8 PM. Aren't you late for the company?"

Shit—You flinched and sat on the cot only to be zoned out. Your itchy frizzy ruffled hair and soft mattress under you were enough proof for you that your 'sweet moment' was a god damn dream. For a moment, you couldn't recollect anything. That dreamy kiss felt so real. Again, you heard your mother's scream.

"Bathe and come to eat breakfast quickly."

With that order, she left the room where reality struck you hard. You gave a deep sigh and went to shower.

While drenching under the shower, you reminisced every scene of your 'dream'. Unknowingly, you touched your lips and smiled. Without your knowledge, you started liking that dream since it was not your first time. You spoke to yourself,

"All I remember was his bunny smile. Why my brain is keeping on dreaming about him. I didn't even know him. Is he my soul-mate or something?"

You took the towel while humorlessly chuckling at your own thoughts.

Time passed...

It was past seven. You entered your home being exhausted. Your lifeless face caught your mother's attention.

"Has your work gone well?"

Your dismayed smirk answered her interrogation.

"It happens at times, Y/N. Time will heal everything. Don't give up, my girl."

You smiled weakly and left your room after being patted by her. It's been three months since you were falsely accused in a company issue.

Three months ago...

"What the hell is this, Y/N?" You have revealed our company's new project theme for other companies."

You were frozen on hearing your CEO's accusation. You stuttered since you felt so wronged.

"S-sir, I d-didn't. Why should I? I have nothing to do with."

"See, our details were revealed via your mail ID and now you have caught red-handed."

"Sir, why am I going to do in my company's mail ID? Am I a fool?"

"Not so, somehow you are way too smart, Y/N. That's why you sent through your personal

mail ID. Just admit it already."

You were about to burst out but it got replaced by tears on seeing your dismissal letter. Things went wrong. You were so helpless since you didn't have enough proof to prove your innocence.

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