2. Sexy Brain

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"I'm gonna doomed. Why the damn system displaying this error message again and again when I enter the correct code? Aishh—"

You smacked and looked at the monitor in frustration. You cracked all your practice examinations easily. But sadly, python language was your exception. The whole hall was in dead silence and all you heard was the sound of the keyboard clicks. This was the most complicated phase of your college days.

Your system screen sarcastically projected your coding.

N = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8};

J = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

print("Union of E and N is",N | J)

print("Intersection of E and N is",N & J)

print("Difference of E and N is",N - J)

print("Symmetric difference of E and N is",N ^ J)

Time ticked really fast. You looked at your watch and panicked more since you had just half an hour more. Many had started to move out of the hall after running their programs successfully. You sweated a lot. You could no longer sugar-coat your parents if you get failed.

You were about to cry. Your every alteration in the code made no change in the situation. After a moment, you sensed weird and turned to your right to see a guy.

"What happened? You want any help?"

He whisper-shouted at you while watching around as he didn't want to get caught by any of the staff. You sniffed and showed your monitor to him. He squinted and carefully inspected the code that was typed by you. He awed on like realizing something.

"What? Is my code wrong?"

You whispered at him. He shook his head and was about to tell you, right then an invigilator came by your side. Both of you acted professionally as nothing happened.

The guy waited for the right chance to help you but it never came. So, he tore a paper and wrote something.

He showed his output and packed his stuff to exit the hall. You watched him like a pity lamb. While crossing your desk, he threw a crumpled paper near your legs.

You casually picked the paper up and read it.

Time passed...

You came outside the hall and saw the guy who helped in your toughest phase. You neared him with a grin.

"I'll be doomed if you haven't helped me back then. Thank you so much."

His dimpled smile made you grin more.

"That's nothing. At times, it's annoying to see the SystemError messages."

"That's true. I informed the invigilator at right time. So, they let me use another computer to type my code again. Otherwise, I really couldn't finish my exam."

Now he showed his combo of dimpled and eye smile at once. Your heart slipped a beat. You eyed him without his knowledge. He was truly admirable in his Harry Potter specs. You hesitantly asked him.

"Mm, what's your name?"

He nervously laughed and said,

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kim Namjoon."

You frowned on hearing his name. You awed after realizing something.

"Kim Namjoon—The university topper, right?"

He shyly nodded at you. You kept on wondering about him for each second. He was simple. Damn simple. Duh—

"Sorry again, I forgot to ask about your name. What's your name?"

You smiled and answered.


"Y/N, good name. And nice to meet you."

You nodded and turned other side to pack your stuff. Soon, your head turned towards him on hearing his voice.

"Okay Y/N, my friend came. Now, I'm leaving. Have fun while learning. It'll help you to relax."

With those words, he left with his friend after bidding you bye. You humorlessly chuckled at his words.

"What's fun in learning? Learning itself is a tragedy then how can I have fun while learning? But I have to admit one thing--he has a sexy brain."

You glanced at the crumpled paper given by him.

"The problem is with the system. Your code is absolutely right. Don't waste your time. Inform the invigilator immediately."

Your lips smiled on reading them again. You imposed it inside your bag before walking home.

Author's Note:

I know this is quite short but trust me, y'all won't get disappointed when finish reading.

Don't forget to comment and share!!!!

Will update you guys on next week....Love y'allllll

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