Is it love??🌀

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(Summers already halfway over like wtf)

No ones POV:
Most would think that being a king would be a blessing. What they don't realize is that is can also be a curse. Awsamdude, king of creepers, protector of the innocent realized this after a while.

He is very different from other kings. He never wore fancy jewels or lived in a palice. He never cared for riches or the amount of power he could wield. These are the reasons why Ponk loved him.


Sam knew he could do it, he knew he could catch up. He kept running and running yet he never made it. He couldn't believe.....THAT A CHILD OUTRAN HIM LIKE WTF.

"HAHA BITCH, I told you you couldn't catch me!" There stood Tommy standing in the field. "Oh please I let you win obviously." Sam said smirking. "Yeah sure Sam sure." "It's getting pretty late anyways Tommy you should head back home, Phil should be expecting you." "Fine whatever, BYE!" Tommy ran off.

Sam had always considered Tommy like a son to him even though he wasn't. He looked out for Tommy like a father would. He played with Tommy, and taught him things, but he was Phil'z son so he had to respect that.

"SAMMY!!!" Sam's thoughts got interrupted by Ponk yelling his name and running in his direction. "Hello Ponkie, do you need anything???" "No not really, but it is getting late so I was just making sure you head inside before the monsters come out." Ponk said smiling. "Awww does Ponkie care about me?" Sam said if a goofy smile plastered across his face. "Of course I do!" He said with a light pink tint across his cheeks and nose.

"Um..uh yeah your right I should head back." Sam said looking away. "Well okay have a good night Sammy...I luv ya." Ponk said getting a little quieter at the end of the sentence. "I love you too Ponkie." Sam said before running off.

Ponks POV:
As I was walking home I was still thinking about Sam. "We're just friends....friends yeah..." I spaced out on the rest of the walk home not thinking about much of anything.

I just sat there laying on my bed thinking about different interactions I've had with Sam. He's my bestfriend.....but is he more. God why is love so hard to figure out. Am I in love....what does love feel like. Is this what im feeling. All these questions filling up my thoughts. I can't do this anymoreb i'm going to bed.

Sam's POV:
It didn't take long to reach my house since I wasn't too far away. He said it first this time... Does he mean it like that. Maybe...just maybe.

Why am I feeling these emotions? Am I dieing? Thinking about him gives me butterflies. They hurt...but not physically.

I love him....
And he loves me......

(Okay done I've finished anyways I tried to make it sweet, but have a deep theme at the same time. I don't think it worked well but idrc, anyways I hoped you like it besties)

(522 words)

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