Let Me Help You❤️

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No ones Pov:
Ponk usually arrived home before Sam so he was confused to see that the door was unlocked when he got home. Opening the door he sees Sam sitting on the couch attempting to wrap a bandage around his arm.

"Sam oh my gosh are you okay" Ponk said rushing over to the other male. He grabbed the the talkers arm to get a better look at it.

"Yeah I'm fine it isn't that bad." Sam said trying to pull his arm away, but failing.

"No let me help you....please" Ponk said running into the bathroom to grab a wet towel. Once he came back he took Sam's arm and pressed the towel to his wound.

"You need to be more careful you know." Ponk said while continuing to apply pressure. A small smile sneaked upon the taller males face.

"I'll try" Sam said smiling at how much Ponk seemed to care about him. Ponk removed the towel and started to bandage the spot correctly this time.

During this time Sam was admiring Ponk. He admired how much the other cared about the people he loved. Sam felt lucky to have him in his life.

"Thank you." Sam said wrapping his arms around Ponk in a hug.

"Of course Sammy, I love you." He said smiling into the others chest.

"How about we get some rest"

(School sucks and so does my upload schedule)

✨𝙰𝚠𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚗𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜✨Where stories live. Discover now