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(The last two oneshots were kinda ehhh and I'm not sure if I like them much, but I'll keep them up cause idrc rn, enjoy!)

No ones POV:
Ponk was just sitting by the shore of the ocean. He sat there taking in the view that sat in front of him, the waves crashing at the shore, a slight breeze making the trees around him sway. It was perfect.

Ponks POV:
All of a sudden long and arms quietly snaked around my waist causing me to flinch slightly before realizing who it was. "Hey Ponkie..." Sam said hiding is head in the crook of my neck. "Oh hey Sammy, do you need anything?" "Mhhh... no I just wanted to see you." Sam said looking away blushing slightly. Even though we've been dating for about six months, Sams comments always made him blush.

No ones POV:
"Your so handsome Ponkie." Sam said leaving a kiss on the back of the other boys neck. "Well you look rather fine yourself." Ponk replied back trying to hide his face. They sat there in silence enjoying eachothers presence with an occasional kiss on the neck from Sam.

(Time skip swag)

The sun was starting to set since they've been there for over an hour. "It's starting to get dark I should start heading home." Sam whispered to the other boy. "No~ stay please" Ponk whined in a joking way. "Aww baby...okay." Sam lifted up Ponks chin. "I love you." he said as he leaned in for a kiss. Of course Ponk kissed back as soon as he felt the other boys warm lips glaze his. It was looked like something straight out of a fairy book, they were in clear bliss.

They pulled away for air "I love you too."

(Literally the only reason I have twitter anyways art by @jt_boat on Twitter)

(Literally the only reason I have twitter anyways art by @jt_boat on Twitter)

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(All my oneshots are short af because I have the attention span of a rock. Another reason may also be that I think that almost every oneshot so far has been written at like one in the morning, anyways I hoped you enjoyed whatever this was and have a great day or night or whatever.)

(365 words)

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