Can I have a kiss????❤️

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(TTSM FOR OVER 200 READS!!! Thank you so much that super exciting to me and I'm so happy that people are actually reading this anyways again thank you and enjoy some fluff. Also this oneshot is super freaken short but I think it's cute)

No ones POV:
Sam looked down to see his boyfriend Ponk snuggling into his chest. "Hmmm.. your so warm." Ponk said sleepily. Sam replied with a small giggle and kissed the other boy on the forehead. "Are you tired?" Sam asked seeing how his boyfriend was acting. "Just a little bit." "Aww you should head home before it gets too dark I don't want you getting hurt." "Mmm.." Ponk groaned knowing that his boyfriend was right. "Fine.." Ponk said after a few minutes. He got up, put on his shoes, and headed to the front door. Sam got up and followed behind. "Love you Sammy bye!" Ponk started to head out the door. "Hey wait...." Ponk stopped and turned back to face the taller boy "I think your forgetting something." Sam said with a grin. "Oh..what is it?" "Can I have a kiss goodbye." Sam said smirking. Ponk was blushing like crazy "Of course." Sam put his arm around the other boys waste and pulled him in. Ponk immediately kissed back wrapping his arms around Sam. After what felt like forever they pulled away for air. They just stood there admiring each other for what seemed like days "I love you too Ponkie."

(Like I said this oneshot was rly short, but actually don't think that it turned out that bad. Anyways if anyone has any requests for a oneshot please feel free to let me know them:>)

(283 words)

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