One Last Time....😭

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(This takes place before the escape and stuff and the accident I'm referring to his when sam cut off ponks arm I know it was a while ago but its easy to write about)

No ones POV:
It's been days since the accident. Silence....that's all you hear walking through the jail. Silence with the occasional drip you hear as you listen. Sam sat alone at the desk. No emotion being shown, just watching the entrance. Every hour that goes by Sam sits in silence. Maybe he's bored or maybe he's hoping to get a visit from a certain someone, but the time never came. He never did get that visit.

Even though the time never came he waited there for days. Waiting for his visit. Until one day it happened. Sam sat at his desk and waited until a small white haired boy walked in.

"Sam....I think we should talk." the smaller male mumbled not looking the taller in the eye. He was barely standing in the doorway trying to keep distance between the two. "I don't think...." the boy said trying to find the right words to say. "I don't think that whatever we have had going on is going to work..." Sam simply stared back at the boy, guilt consuming him whole for what he had done. The boys just stared at each other deciding on what to say next. The silence was soon ended.

"Okay......" Sam muttered about fighting back tears that had quickly accumulated. "If that....if that is what will make you happy then fine..." the taller said while standing up and walking towards Ponk.

"I guess this is goodbye Sam." the shorter quickly said before turning to leave.


The shorter turned around slightly confused. "Can I just.....hold you one last time..." Sam muttered out, walking more and more into view.


Slowly lifting his arms so they wrap around Ponk pulling him into a hug. They sat there in awkward silence until Ponk felt something wet on his forehead. Sam hadn't realized himself that he was crying.

"I'm sorry...." Sam muttered into the top of Ponk's head still holding him close. "I'm so sorry." Slowly breaking down Sam pulled away. Even though he had hurt him it hurt Ponk to see him upset, but the damage was already done. Nothing could fix what has happened.

"Bye Sam.."


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