You've changed...😭

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(I feel like this one is a rly simple and obvious idea since it's practically what happend during the angsty stream and this oneshot does contain spoilers to the stream, so if you don't want to be spoiled then I don't recommend reading this)

TW: Verbal abuse and slight mentions of blood

No ones POV:
Sam swore on that whatever happens the prison will always come first....even before his bestfriend.

"Give me back the book now Ponk." Sam said in a cold and harsh tone. "Why are you doing this.....Sam." Ponk said with sadness in his voice. "Yknow...the prison has really changed you.." "Give me back my books." Sam raised his voice. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE PRISON IS DOING TO YOU SAM....this is not the Sammy I know." Ponk yelled, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "Give me the books, then I'll let you leave." Sam said calmly starting to get impatient.

"The prison is controlli...." "I AM DOING THIS OUT OF MY OWN FREE WILL." Sam yelled "SEEING YOU LIKE THIS HURTS ME." Ponk yelled tears streaming down his face. "That's it...." Sam stepped forward sword in hand. "W..what g...gonna do...Sam..m." Ponk said staring at Sams sword. "Oh don't worry...I won't kill you." "I'll just take..your arm." "YOUR CRAZY SAM!" Ponk yelled terrified. "Maybe..."

Two clean strikes of the sword. Thump....Ponk looked down to see his left arm lying lifeless to his side. The realization and shock hit him all at once and he started to wreath in agony. Sam took the book and stood there and stared a t the bloody mess that lied before him.

Sam turned to walk away carrying the eleven books in his hand. "SAMMY!" Ponk screamed out in pain. Sam kept walking staring blankly in front of him.

Ponks POV:
HE PROMISED HE WOULD PROTECT ME. I thought still clutching what remains of my left arm. He said he would never...hurt me.......HE SAID HE LOVED ME! I sat there crying in pain.

No ones POV:
Ponk tried to get up. He ran out of the prison covered in tears and blood.

The realization of what he had just done hit him like a ton of bricks. "Oh my god....I..I hurt Ponkie..." he whimpered out tears threatening to fall from his face. "What have I done." He said falling to his knees, tears falling from his face..."I loved him..." he whispered.

He was a liar...they both knew it.

(I'm like crying this is so sad😭😭😭 well I hoped you enjoyed and I kinda put some directs quotes from the stream, but I also tried to be original in some parts, anyways bye✌️)

(451 words)

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