Picnics and Kisses❤️

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A/N: Remember when I said ima start updating more yeah that was about 4 1/2 months ago. I kinda forgot about this book, but ima try my best to keep updating.

This one is pretty short cause I'm tryna get this chapter out soon, but I'll have longer ones in the future.



"Come on Sam hurry up."
"I'm coming I'm coming." Sam said while carrying a picnic basket.

Sam and Ponk decided to have a picnic because of how nice the weather was. Sam packed the food and they decided to head to a nearby flower patch.

"We're here!" Ponk yelled as they reached the top of a hill. Sam walked up and started to set up the picnic.

The two boys sat in comfortable silence while they ate. Sam was staring out into the field admiring his surroundings when he felt a weight get laid now in his lap.

He looked down to see Ponk with his head in his lap looking up at him. Same let out a small chuckle while admiring the smaller boys face.

"Your so pretty you know that?" The taller boy says as he leans down and plants a small kiss on the smaller boys forehead.

"I love you."

(The end)

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