Izuku Sings Breakup Songs

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"And I know we weren't perfect. But I've never felt this way for no one, oh."

Izuku couldn't breathe. Katsuki was there, standing in line at their favorite cafe. He didn't look heartbroken like Izuku felt. Kirishima had an arm wrapped around Bakugo's neck as they laughed at a joke Kaminari told. They dated for 3 years. Yet, Katsuki threw it all away as soon as he got into U.A.

"And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay, now that I'm gone."

Izuku turned around and went down a different street. He didn't care if it made him late to class. He would avoid Katsuki at all costs. If he moved on in less than a week, then so can Izuku. 

Classes went by in a blur. Izuku's mind would wander to Katsuki. He thought about how his eyes were the prettiest shade of red. His spikey blonde hair felt like silk when he ran his fingers through it. The rough voice was always soft towards him. Calloused hands that made Izuku feel safe. 

As he walked through the halls at the end of the day, he passed the band room. There was a pretty tune coming from it; he felt entranced. It felt like a siren, calling him out to sea. Izuku opened the door and saw 3 other people. 

A girl with bright blonde hair and vibrant orange eyes noticed him first. "Hey, I'm Emiko!" She grinned. "What brings you here?".

"Midoriya." He introduced himself. "Honestly, your music sounded really good. It felt like a trance walking in here." Izuku smiled awkwardly.

"Woah! Do you sing?" A girl with pastel pink hair asked. It looked like flowers were growing around her head. "Oh, I'm Hana, by the way!" She beamed. The flowers seemed to grow at her delight. 

"Sometimes," Izuku answered shyly. 

"That's my quirk." A boy with light brown hair and matching eyes spoke. "I call it Pathway. If I'm searching for something, whoever has it will come to me." He explained. 

"That's Kisho!" Emiko said.

Izuku's eyes went wide. "That's an amazing quirk! It's super useful for anything, too." Izuku continued to mutter the possibilities while Kisho's face went red from embarrassment.

"Ah, sorry." Izuku rubbed his neck. "I like studying quirks."

"Cool! Would you wanna join our band? Kisho is never wrong." Hana asked. 

"I guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street."

Izuku thought about how Katsuki said the school bands were worthless and he shouldn't waste his time. Great, now he's thinking about him again. "Sure!" He beamed.


Two weeks of practicing with the band were the best for Izuku.  He hardly thought of Katsuki. They were too busy getting ready to perform. There was a concert for small bands to sign up and play. 

"Hey, Mido?" Emiko asked.

"Yeah?" Izuku answered while he messed around with a guitar. 

"Have you written any songs?" She wondered. 

Izuku blushed, "Yeah, but they aren't that good. I just write whatever is on my mind." 

"Can we see?!" Hana asked excitedly.

"You don't have to," Kisho assured.

"If you want to?" Izuku faltered. He handed over the notebook and continued to strum the guitar. It had been quiet for a while. Izuku looked up to see them staring at him with stunned expressions. 

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