*insert good boat pun here*

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He feels as if he's on a boat. As the waves gently rock it, you can hear it creaking. A light breeze rustles the sails, causing them to flutter. There are a few clouds, but the sun is shining. In fact, the sun is blinding. It's so bright, he can't see what's coming.


Kacchan hadn't been hanging out with him as much. Izuku waved it off. Heroes were busy! He still got to cuddle Katsuki at night. Sometimes the two would find time to watch a movie after long patrols. It was peaceful.

So why did it feel so empty?

Katsuki seemed to be always frowning. His eyebrows were pinched tightly, eyes clouded with something Izuku couldn't describe. He was ignored each time he tried to find out what was wrong. Kacchan seemed to disregard him more and more. His excuses would be nonchalant at best. Maybe Katsuki ignored the hurt look on his boyfriend's face, or maybe he never paid attention to it, to begin with.

"I'm hanging out with Shitty Hair."

Didn't you hang out with him yesterday? It's been a while since we've hung out.

"Pinky says the bakusquad needs a mandatory party night."

You hate parties, Kacchan.

"I'm going out drinking with Kirishima."

What about the date night we had planned?

"I have paperwork I still need to finish."

We already finished our work, Kacchan. You were right beside me.

Izuku never voices those thoughts out loud. He's too scared of the response. Would Katsuki get angry? Was Izuku just being insecure?

He continued watching from the sidelines, a sad frown on his face.


A wave shifted the boat. The clouds began rolling in, blocking out the sun. The once sparkling ocean became murky. From the dark clouds, a drizzle fell.


Izuku wondered when everything had changed. Was it something he did? It seemed the doubt would never leave his mind, constantly nagging him.

He wanted to fix the problem. Izuku loved Katsuki. Always have, always will. That's just how it was. Yet, how do you fix it when you don't know what's broken? He knows communication is key in a relationship. Izuku is scared of the answer, though.

In the deepest parts of his brain, his mind thinks of the 'what ifs'.

What if Katsuki was cheating on him.

What if Izuku wasn't enough anymore.

What if.

What if.

What if.

Izuku trusts Katsuki with everything he has. He's known the blonde his whole life. But the doubt that creeps in when his insecurities fester doesn't help his situation. Would Katsuki stay if he helped around the apartment more? Should Izuku take him on a date? It's been a couple of weeks since they had a nice one. Izuku wasn't sure what to do and it made him want to cry. He couldn't cry though, because Katsuki was on his way home.

Even though it's almost midnight and the blonde should have been home 2 hours ago, Izuku would wait. That's how it has always been. Katsuki going ahead and Izuku always following him. When they were at UA, they were equals. But, it seems Izuku's fallen behind again.

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