A Misconception

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Sunlight streamed through Izuku's All Might curtains, causing him to groan. Luckily, it was a Saturday and, he didn't need to get up. He rolled closer towards the warmth surrounding him.

A gentle hand stroked through his hair, holding his head against a muscular chest.

"'Zuku." Katsuki's voice was rough in the early morning as he sleepily held Izuku closer.

"Kacchan." Izuku hummed as a soft smile crossed over his face.

He blinked his eyes open, squinting at the sleep in his eyes. After rubbing it away, Izuku sat up a bit and stared at his boyfriend. Boyfriend. The word made him grin. Katsuki was officially his boyfriend as of 8:43 last night.

"I feel you staring at me," Katsuki grumbled, tucking his head under Izuku's chin.

Izuku huffed fondly and laid down on his back. He maneuvered Katsuki so the blonde was laying on top of him. Izuku could definitely get used to this.

"Good morning, Baby." Izuku grinned. He's always wanted to say that.

Katsuki tensed, making Izuku wonder if he shouldn't have done that. The blonde squirmed a bit, making Izuku's arms fall away from his waist. Now free, Katsuki raised up a little to squint at his boyfriend.

"I'll allow it on one condition." Katsuki grinned.

Izuku smiled in relief and played along, "Oh?" he questioned. He lifted his hands to rest them on Katsuki's hips, rubbing his thumb in small circles against the blonde's skin. 

"Cuddles anytime I want them," Katsuki smirked playfully.

Izuku hummed in consideration. "That's quite a demand, Baby." he seemed to think it over. "I think I can manage."

The blonde huffed and laid his head back down. "Dork," he muttered against Izuku's chest.

"Your dork." Izuku smiled, letting his hands glide up to twist around silky blonde locks.

The rest of their morning was spent with light banter and a lot of cuddling. Both boys wanted to bask in the presence of each other for as long as possible.

A few hours later, they could tell some of the class was awake by the noise coming from the floor below them. "We should probably go eat, Kacchan." Izuku giggled.

Bakugo gave him a look from his place on top of his boyfriend. "No." he pouted.

Izuku swore his heart clenched with how cute Katsuki was. "I could run down and grab us something and, you could set up my laptop so we can watch a movie in here. It could be a little date." Izuku blushed at his suggestion.

Katsuki nodded and rolled off his boyfriend, allowing Izuku to get up. Izuku stretched his arms above his head, grimacing at the way they popped from not moving all night.

Katsuki made a mental note to give his boyfriend a massage. Maybe he could get the nerd some oils for Christmas?

Izuku quickly grabbed Katsuki's skull hoodie from his desk chair that the blonde had discarded the night before. "It's warm!" Izuku pouted when he noticed Katsuki's playful glare.

Clad in All Might pajama pants and his boyfriend's hoodie, Izuku made his way down towards the common room. Most of the class wasn't there, only the girls. Izuku was fine with that. The quicker he made the food and, slipped out unnoticed, the quicker he could get back to his boyfriend. Boyfriend!!

Yeah, Izuku would never get over that he's dating Katsuki. They were dating!!

While making their pancakes, Izuku tuned into the conversation that was going on in the common room.

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