Sea's of Love And Lies

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Izuku gasped and rolled over, coughing up salty water. He grimaced once he noticed his body was covered in sand. Looking around, Izuku saw the wreckage of his ship surrounding him. Not seeing his crewmates, Izuku frowned. Had they not made it?

Izuku remembers flashes of the event. As the sea roared, the clouds had darkened, and the rushing waters quickly hammered his vessel, One For All. Within seconds, the sails had collapsed. The deck of the ship had been split in half by an enormous wave. Izuku ordered his crew to get in the lifeboats. His co-captain, Katsuki Bakugo, led his men away to find land. He knew they were getting close to the island of UA before the storm. Izuku hoped they made it. 

When he took in his surroundings, he realized he wasn't on UA. The island was very small; he could see the other side a couple of feet away. A tree was in the middle and, rocks were circling the island. Seeing a flash of purple, Izuku looked at the rocks more closely. Deciding nothing was there, he stood up and went to the wreckage. If Izuku wanted to escape the island, he would need to build a small raft. He also needed to check for food or weapons. Izuku frowned again once he saw the state of his ship. 

Izuku's mentor Toshinori Yagi, otherwise known as All might, had given him that ship. One For All has been passed down to eight others before him. It was sad to see it so broken; nothing left but splintered planks and shredded sails. 

Izuku worked quickly on putting all salvageable parts in a pile. The rest would be used as firewood. He laid out the bigger planks to be used at the bottom and the thinner ones to lay across them. It would need a way to float but a few hours had passed, it was late, and he was tired. 

He headed toward the ocean, deciding to wash all the sand and sweat off. Izuku discarded his clothes and walked into the blue water. It was strange having the whole island to himself. Sighing, he leaned against one of the rocks and watched the sunset. Catching the glimpse of purple again, he turned toward the rest of the rocks. Narrowing his eyes, Izuku called out to whatever was there, "Hello?".

He wasn't surprised when nothing responded. Izuku shook the salty water out of his hair before walking back to the sand to grab his clothes. Dusting the sand off those, he put them on and headed toward the tree. Izuku closed his eyes and rested his head against his muscular arms. Hopefully, his crew made it and would try to find him.


Izuku felt something brushing through his hair. Nails gently rubbed his scalp, causing him to sigh pleasantly. Something poked his cheek, making him scrunch his nose. He whined when the nails stopped. There was a breathy laugh above him; it sounded wonderful. Izuku smiled softly when hands played with his curls again. It was soothing.

Cracking his eyes open, Izuku looked up to see pale purple eyes starring down at him. The man looked tired, eyebags heavy. His gravity-defying purple hair swayed in the light wind. There was a small smirk on his face. He was so beautiful it was distracting. 

"Hey," Izuku whispered.

"Hey." The man whispered back, a teasing tone to his voice. 

"What's your name?" Izuku asked after a moment. He wondered how the man got here, he certainly wasn't here yesterday.

"Hitoshi." The man, Hitoshi, answered.

"Izuku Midoriya, also known as Captain Deku." Izuku grinned.

Hitoshi raised a brow, "Captain, eh?". He looked around at the ruins of the ship, "Can't be a captain without a ship."

Izuku sighed sadly, "Aye."

Izuku sat up and stretched. "Have rum, by any chance?" He asked. When he turned around Izuku noted the man's skin almost glowed in the sunlight. His eyes traveled lower, taking in the sight of the long purple tail. 

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