Tired Dad and His Problem Child

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The wind whipped against his clothes as Izuku ran across the rooftops. The moon illuminated the buildings just enough to see. He could hear his harsh breaths and feel the sweat under his jacket. Even so, Izuku couldn't stop running. He didn't need to look back to know Eraserhead was still pursuing him. 

"Give it up, kid!" The tired man called out from behind him.

"Fuck off, Shota!" Izuku replied. His voice modulator made his voice deeper and distorted. "We both know you'd never catch me." He laughed.

Izuku heard Eraserhead grumble something about being a problem child and grinned. Teasing Aizawa was one of his favorite pastimes. Izuku could switch his black coffee for decaf or dress up Aizawa's cats in All Might costumes while he was on patrol. Both reactions are hilarious. 

Pulling out a green glitter bomb, Izuku slowed down so, Aizawa was almost near him. He made it seem like he was more tired than he actually was. Heavier breaths and sloppier footsteps. Eraserhead took the bait, speeding up. 

"Arrivederci!" Izuku shouted as he threw the bomb behind him. He turned his head a bit to see Aizawa covered in bright glitter. He giggled as he ran away. He could faintly hear Eraserhead yell, "You aren't fucking Italian!"


Since the age of 12, Izuku has been a vigilante known as Rabbit. He started learning coding and martial arts at age 10. He met a girl named Mei, who quickly became his best friend. She knew of his nightly activities and vowed he would have the best support items around. They were an unstoppable team. 

At age 11, Izuku and Mei learned how to hack and worked up from there. Age 12 was his first physical debut as Rabbit. Mei and Izuku would hack security cameras and find the whereabouts of criminals before that. Now that Izuku could fight, he did his best to stop any crime he saw. Whether it is a mugging or crime ring, he would be there. 

Sadly the heroes didn't like him getting in their way. Which was stupid because he did their work for him. 

Now that Izuku was training for UA and All Might offered his quirk, he didn't need to be a vigilante. That wouldn't stop him, though. People still needed to be saved and, Izuku would do it. It was tiring doing school, cleaning the beach, and being a vigilante. He didn't get a lot of sleep but, he'd be fine. Probably. 


Izuku was sitting on top of a roof, legs swinging below him. He grinned when he heard the light footsteps behind him.

"Eraserhead." He said cooly, not looking away from the sky in front of him.

"Rabbit," Aizawa responded gruffly. 

"What brings you to this fine establishment this evening?" Izuku grinned. 

Aizawa groaned and sat beside him. "Are you going to turn yourself in or, do I have to catch you?" The hero asked sarcastically.

Izuku's smug grin may have been hidden by his mask but, Aizawa could definitely sense it. "Sure you can catch me, old man?"

Aizawa gave him a tired glare, "I had glitter stuck to me for weeks, brat. Save those for the villains."

"Well someone had to be the test subject," Izuku smirked. 

"I hated it." Aizawa glared.

"I'm sure your cats loved it!" Izuku laughed.

It was silent for a few minutes. Both hero and vigilante staring at the streets below. "Why not wait for a hero school?" Aizawa asked, breaking the quietness.

"People like me can't." Izuku shrugged.

"People like you?" Eraserhead inquired. 

"Yep," Izuku said, popping the p.

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